[b]Called to the Ministry[/b]: The Prophet
The First Calling
For the Church to exist, there must first be a Minister. The Minister was called
first, then the Church was called through the Ministry. Hear the words of the
Apostle Paul: “For Adam (the prophet) was called first, then Eve (the Church).”
Today we can understand that the word was begotten first in the man (called
to the ministry), and it brought forth the preaching. Once the preaching goes
forth, it begets the Church. The Apostle Paul described it best: “…how shall
they call upon…how shall they believe… how shall they hear… how shall they
preach except they be sent?” How, then, can the Church reach the lost? And
who were the first to hear the prophet, you ask? Just ask Abel and Cain!
Without the preaching, there would be no Church: and without the Church,
there would be no "…work of the ministry…”! This becomes less complicated
if we can discern that man is the type and figure of Christ; and the righteous
woman, a type and figure of the Church.
As God created and formed man, he was calling forth the prophet; that is, the
Ministry. Adam was created in the image of God when he was created a spirit
being; and in his likeness, when he received some of God’s attributes (love,
wisdom, righteousness, etc.). Included in the attributes is the free will.
Even the natural realm testifies on the attributes passed from the father to the
son. A young man will scratch his head, have a certain look, or he may even
run like the wind. Invariably, someone will comment: “He is just like his father!”
Have we not been created to be just like our Father?