Originally Posted by good samaritan
I have heard this before, but I don't understand how it would work? I know live-ins now who will not legally marry because they don't want their checks to be interrupted. This government which began as Christian needs to turn back to Christianity. I would do whatever I needed to stand for God's plan of marriage, but this is crazy to even have to consider. I think after homosexuality I think they should start letting them marry their animals and children. not really.
You do realize that civil marriage and marriage licensing as we know it today didn't exist until the 1920's don't you???
Prior to the 1920's, marriage in the United States was a private arrangement under natural (or common) law... in
all respects. It wasn't established, regulated, defined, or dissolved by government. George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and many others never had a "marriage license" or a "civil marriage". In fact, for most, the marriage certificate provided by churches or signed by the couple in their family Bible was enough to establish a marriage if the courts were ever involved. Many divorces were handled through private arbitration.