I was not in the service last night. However, someone text me during service with this information. They were completely blown away as was I that this man would say this.
In our adult service last night a very conservative man stood up to speak.
He said that for many years he has been a self-righteous finger pointing hypocrite but it is time for all that to end. It is time to be more like Jesus. He said, "One thing I know will happen. As we begin to act more like Jesus, I fear our Pentecostal brothers and sisters will begin to think we are compromising. Every Pentecostal wants to be like Christ but as soon as they get in the church they start forgetting about being like Christ." I am behind this man of God in this church. By being more tolerant of those you don’t have the same walk with God as you or I, he is doing the right thing and he has my full support.