A Gospel from Negativism
Those that don’t want to accept the truth, that Peter knew what he was talking about when he gave the first salvation message, in
Acts 2, will argue against the Truth by saying things like,...
The Bible doesn’t say that when Phillip, baptized the Ethiopian eunuch, that he was baptized in Jesus name, nor it doesn’t say that he received the Holy Ghost speaking in other tongues.
My answer—It doesn’t say anything about him receiving the Holy Ghost automatically either, so you that believe the Holy Ghost comes in automatically, does that mean that he never received the Holy Ghost at all?
Common sense will tell you, Phillip had just left a great Revival in Samaria, where he baptized the whole town in Jesus name. Do you think for one minute he neglected to tell the eunuch, the whole plan of salvation?
Those in Samaria, had not received the Holy Ghost, after they believed, therefore Phillip sent for Peter and John to pray for them. And it tells us clearly that when they prayed, the Believers, then received the Holy Ghost. If Phillip neglected to tell the eunuch of this, then he was a false teacher, which we know he was not. What did he preach to the eunuch?
Acts 8:35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and began at the same scripture, and preached unto him Jesus.
What does preaching Jesus mean? He preached to the eunuch the same message that he preached at Samaria. And the town repented, was baptized in Jesus name and received the Holy Ghost.
Acts 8:5 Then Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and preached Christ unto them.
Doesn’t preaching Christ and preaching Jesus mean the same thing? As well as.,
“the word of the Lord”?
What about the Philippian jailer? He was told,
‘believe and be saved.’ However they neglect to realize, that isn’t all that Paul taught him.
Acts 16:31 And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house.
32 And they spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house
When Phillip preached Christ to the Samaritians, we know by what happened, he preached Repentance, baptism in Jesus name, and sent for Peter and John to pray with those Believers, and they did receive the Holy Ghost.
Paul tells us in another scripture, he “
preached what he had received.”
He had been baptized in Jesus name, and re- baptized the Ephesians in Jesus name.
He had received the Holy Ghost speaking in Other tongues, and prayed for the Ephesians to receive the same.
Also he tells us, he thanked his God that he “
speaks in tongues (unknown tongues) more than all of them.” And you don’t speak in unknown tongues, until you have first received the Holy Ghost, speaking in other tongues.
And do you think for a minute, that Paul when, he, “
spake unto him the word of the Lord, and to all that were in his house” neglected to tell the jailer all of the Plan of salvation?
Then there is Lydia, because we are not told of the sermon that Paul preached.But the non-sayers, try to say that she received another gospel of
just believe. Neither are we told how she was baptized, so are they going to say that Paul baptized her in the Trinity, when it is clear what Paul believed about baptism, as well as what he believed about the Holy Ghost.
Let’s see, what else do the nay-sayers preach?
I’ve had people say to me,
Acts 2:38, doesn’t say that is the way to be born again. Or that it doesn’t say that Holy Ghost comes with the evidence of speaking in other tongues.
OK. Use your common sense. Peter was still preaching and explaining the phenomenon of the Holy Ghost that they had just received, speaking in other tongues of
Acts 2:4, when he was asked, how to be saved. It is clear, or should be, unless you just don’t want to accept it, there is only One Holy Ghost, and the Holy Ghost in
Acts 2;4 was what he was talking about, in
Acts 2:38
Nay-sayer—But he didn’t say that was being born again.
No, but he was telling them and us, how to be saved. And Jesus said, unless we are born of the water and the Spirit/Holy Ghost, we can not be saved. And Jesus taught the apostles how to be born again. And Peter explained it.
The Nay-sayers skip over the plain examples of the Truth that proves the Pentecostal message, to grab on something that the Bible DOESN’T say. Trying to prove their point from a negative stance.