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Old 08-09-2012, 02:19 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Romney took over steel company and promised to keep health insurance and pension benefits. After a while, Romney canceled benefits and fired Joe Soptic. Joe Soptic's wife was sick, but did not complain because Mitt Romney had taken away their health insurance. Joe Soptic's wife later died of cancer and Mitt Romney is partly responsible. Shame on you Mitt. Shame on you republicans for supporting a vulture.

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Old 08-09-2012, 02:41 PM
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

They showed this on CNN and the guy behind it admitted Romney had nothing to do with it and that the message of the video was not supposed to be Romney is responsible.

CNNs fact checkers tore this video apart to show it was full of holes and biased
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Old 08-09-2012, 02:42 PM
BrokenSpirit BrokenSpirit is offline
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Not surprising in the least. People are in complete denial if the think Romney cares about anyone other than himself and his super wealthy supporters.
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Old 08-09-2012, 02:42 PM
aegsm76 aegsm76 is offline
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

DM - hey you need to stay caught up here buddy. This has already been proven as lies and deceptions. Read page 4 on Romney will win in a landslide thread.
Four blatant lies in the ad.
Do you just believe everything that BHO puts out?
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Old 08-09-2012, 02:50 PM
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Not surprising that people believe this tripe even after the liberal CNN disproved it. But this is how the left operates sadly, like Romney not paying taxes in the last 10 years?
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Old 08-09-2012, 02:51 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Originally Posted by aegsm76 View Post
DM - hey you need to stay caught up here buddy. This has already been proven as lies and deceptions. Read page 4 on Romney will win in a landslide thread.
Four blatant lies in the ad.
Do you just believe everything that BHO puts out?
i saw that page after i posted. the point of the ad is that romney doesn't care if people lose their coverage as long as he is making money.
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Old 08-09-2012, 02:53 PM
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
i saw that page after i posted. the point of the ad is that romney doesn't care if people lose their coverage as long as he is making money.
Really? Because the title here says he is responsible for that woman's death and it's been proven to not be true.,

Maybe the point should be the hateful vitriol and lies the leftist will go through to put a man that sunk us deeper into dept than any other president in history?
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Old 08-09-2012, 03:10 PM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Originally Posted by Praxeas View Post
Really? Because the title here says he is responsible for that woman's death and it's been proven to not be true.,

Maybe the point should be the hateful vitriol and lies the leftist will go through to put a man that sunk us deeper into dept than any other president in history?
Mitt IS partly responsible because the woman would have had coverage if Miitt wouldn't have taken it away to make more money. how is he not responsible?
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Old 08-09-2012, 03:17 PM
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind View Post
Mitt IS partly responsible because the woman would have had coverage if Miitt wouldn't have taken it away to make more money.
Various fact-checkers has since pointed out that Soptic’s wife did not die until 2006, five years after GST Steel closed, and that she had health insurance coverage through her own employer for part of that time. It’s also unclear whether having insurance coverage through GST Steel would have meant better prevention or detection of the cancer that ultimately killed her.
Did anyone bother to ask what happened to her insurance? Was that Romney's fault?

Romney runs a business. a business that gave it's employers insurance. If he was the man everyone portrays as not caring, why did they bother giving insurance to begin with?

Businesses close because they can't survive financially. The reasons for that are many, including bad economy, higher taxes, higher regulatory fees and low tariffs on imports. Who do you blame?

Mitt didn't close doors because he did not care about that woman who was not diagnosed with cancer at the time. It was a financial decision many big and small business are having to make all across America.
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Old 08-09-2012, 03:51 PM
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Re: Romney Responsible for Woman's Death

The logic of some on here is overwhelming! I want to know how anyone knows what Romney was thinking, in 1999.

With this kind of logic I wonder how many people lost their insurance coverage when Obama stuck his nose into GM's business and caused many dealerships to have to close. Reckon anyone lost their insurance, pay check and retirement because of Obama's actions. Oh, he didn't do that? Yeah, yeah!

And why did this man go to work for a company that would not furnish him with insurance for his wife? Her death could be blamed on them.

He couldn't afford to buy her coverage? Maybe he just made a decision on how he wanted to spend his money and that didn't include insurance for her. So, it's his fault?

What some want in Washington is an individual that never worked on a public job, only worked as a Community Organizer, (whatever that is), ran for office destroying others reputation, (having opponents sealed divorce papers and custody papers made public) voted present most of the time, after being elected Senator, and then had ALL of his records sealed. Please someone give me a logical reason for an individual hiding all of their records. Romney is accused of hiding something for not revealing his tax records. Why don't those narrowed minded individuals that say that about Romney say the same about Obama?

Yes, Romney has his negatives. But, is there anyone that will say that Obama is not loaded with negatives? We have 3 1/2 years of Obama and what he has and hasn't done. And I don't want anymore of that. 6 trillion dollars in debt, credit rating lowered, more on welfare than ever before in our history, lies on top of lies, (how about deficit cut in half, if some of you can't remember.) Oh well, why go on. It's been said so many times but some listen to nothing and know more than anyone else. BLAH!!!!!

Been Thinkin
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