Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
Are there any notable apostolic theologians outside of dkb? Does this concern anyone? Does anyone know of a website that lays out the apostolic view on all theological issues. I'm aware of jason dule's page. any others?
well even inside Oneness there are many different views. There is somethings that Bernard and Mr dulle have differences with.
its like the many different views of the trinity as well.
Mr bernard being the front runner or more of his work is wider known cause his work has been pushed with the upci
dr bernard has a timothy in robert shaw, who took over pastor ship from david bernard, Most of his stuff is in either book or audio. but good in what he knows
There is also work from daniel segraves, mr hayne, Norris, and a few others, i cant recall the first names at the moment i will have to get back to you on that.