Originally Posted by Sonny
I believe that people don't realize that you can take what he stated to raising taxes on the working middle class not the tax breaks to the rich folks. And I believe that was what Obama was speaking about. You don't raise taxes on the people that are struggling to make ends meet but you can eliminate the tax breaks to the wealthy folks. In 2006 Obama was right Bush was running our country's debt to an unlimited state where it is today. and two years has not been enough time to recover.
You are making 4 uneducated claims.
1 Bush's deficits even under a Democrat congress were much lower than today. Our binge spender Obama is unequalled in history.
2 Your are against the bible. God blessed Abraham. Libs say God is wrong and Abraham should have his stuff taken from him and distributed to people that didn't get blessed by God.
3 as an educated economist, less than two years are plenty of time to recover. You are wrong. Most recoveries are short and growth spikes upward rapidly. expecially now since we have record low interest rates.
Obama has pulled some stunts that interfere with recovery.
4 Most wealthy people were once poor. The difference is they SAVED money and spent less than they earned. Libs like yoursdelf want to punish people that were frugal and saved money to reward many poor people (people that can't make ends meet) that were wastefull. Just divorce alone is a huge factor in poverty. why should the rich pay welfare moms that don't work, divorced their man and can't make ends meet because of bad choices???
If a married couple loses one job, they are less likely to be forclosed than a divorced pair losing a job. God's ways are against the liberal cultures ways of thinking.