Originally Posted by ReddMann24
I dont remember this because I was only 5, but I have a pamplet/small book titled 88 reasons the rapture will happen in 1988. It was in some stuff my grandpa gave me. I decided to keep it around to remind me to be cautious of jumping on these kinds of bandwagons.
LOL. I remember driving down the street toward the east at sunrise on that very morning in 1988 (Can't remember the exact date, September something) and wondering what was going through the heads of the people who believed that pamphlet.
Of course, the very next year the same nimrod came out with a new pamphlet - "89 Reasons..." He confessed that he had forgotten to count the "year zero." As Bugs Bunny would say, "What a maroon... what an imbecel."
The "Year Zero" had zero months, zero weeks, zero days, zero hours and zero seconds. In other words, it never happened. But this guy wasn't happy being wrong once, he wanted to be wrong twice.
... and so it goes.