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Old 01-13-2011, 12:00 PM
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Re: Adornment!!

Originally Posted by rgcraig View Post
Looking attractive to other men doesn't necessarily "turn them on" - even though men are very visual and it doesn't take much to turn them on - - it's not fair to say that an attractively dressed woman turns every man on.

There are some men that are "turned on" by children. If they see your grandchild and are "turned on" is that a sin?
I just don't understand a person who would want his/her spouse to like
for their spouse to turn the opposite sex on, intentionally, and like it!

I am not speaking about looking unattractive, etc. Slouchiness is not godliness
either. We are not a "slouchy" family either!

I would be very disappointed if any of our children or their spouses, were
dressing or wearing something intentionally to turn the opposite sex on.
I am not anxious for my children to lose their original spouse and parent
of our grandchildren, just because they wanted to turn on the opposite sex at work, etc.


Last edited by Cindy; 01-13-2011 at 04:05 PM.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:06 PM
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Re: Adornment!!

My goodness...there is a difference in looking clean and nice and dressing to turn someone on...lol..I plan to dress in a way that pleases God and pleases my husband.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:10 PM
CAD/JPY CAD/JPY is offline
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Re: Adornment!!

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
How would you like for your wife to be at work and her adornment
and makeup turned on other men! Would that be sin!
Well, in my case, my wife happens to be super good looking. So it is really irrelevant how she dresses, or whether she wears makeup or not... she will turn some heads. That is how God made her.

But I suppose it is her fault if men are turned on? That is sin?
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:21 PM
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Re: Adornment!!

Originally Posted by CAD/JPY View Post
Well, in my case, my wife happens to be super good looking. So it is really irrelevant how she dresses, or whether she wears makeup or not... she will turn some heads. That is how God made her.

But I suppose it is her fault if men are turned on? That is sin?
I fear some are missing the entire point! Carry on!

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Old 01-13-2011, 12:30 PM
MomOfADramaQn MomOfADramaQn is offline
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Re: Adornment!!

Originally Posted by Falla39 View Post
Is it sin when women who are supposed to know better, try to turn
other men on and like for their husband to like for them to do so. What if
your husband is having other women turning him on. I see red flags in
your post. I certainly do not want other women turning my husband on.

I believe in taking care of oneself and not looking "all frumpy", BUT not for
the intent to turn other men on. If this thinking/reasoning prevails, I suspect
there will be more divorces in the church, and broken homes.
If a person is adorning and making up themselves with the intent to turn the
opposite sex on, I would call it SIN!

If you have daughters, if this is what you are teaching them by example.
Women who think like this are very dangerous in the workplace, and to the
home. JMHO!

Not to offend!


I never said I dressed with INTENT to turn other men on - you put those words in my mouth. I keep myself fit and I dress nice and attractive. I wear very little makeup - most people cannot even tell I have it on. My husband is NOT the only man that finds me attractive and that does not make me sin. That makes me someone who takes care of myself and other people notice. And yes - there are women who find my husband attractive. He is a very athletic handsome man and I am proud to have him and it is only natural that other women find him attractive - it doesn't mean that just because someone finds you attractive that means you are turned on. I see women that I think attractive but I am aboslutely NOT turned on - that's a bit ridiculous.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:32 PM
MomOfADramaQn MomOfADramaQn is offline
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Re: Adornment!!

Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
My goodness...there is a difference in looking clean and nice and dressing to turn someone on...lol..I plan to dress in a way that pleases God and pleases my husband.
Thanks Sis. A - I do dress in a way that pleases my husband and pleases God - I used to dress in a way that did NOT please God and yes - that was wrong - but when my little girl was born I looked at the things I wore and though - hmmm is that something I would want her putting on - changed my thought process A LOT!!!! LOL
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:34 PM
houston houston is offline
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Re: Adornment!!

Ftr, finding a woman attractive and getting turned on (stupid phrase, cos there's a switch?) are not the same. Many women I find attractive, doesn't mean I want to rent a room. Actually, women dressed to entice are a turn off (there's that light switch again). The difference is in dress (somewot) and in attitude.
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:37 PM
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Re: Adornment!!

Is dressing to be attractive the same as dressing to "turn on"? If a woman dresses in a way so as to "turn on" her husband, other men will be turned on as well. The only way to avoid that is for her to do so only when around her husband.


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Old 01-13-2011, 12:46 PM
Brad Murphy Brad Murphy is offline
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Re: Adornment!!

Just stirring the pot (because I find it fun to point out contradictions involving pet "convictions" as contrasted with other things which are NOT "convictions"):

From Wikipedia:
In ancient Rome, sex trade was legal, and female prostitutes were readily identified by their high heels (Encyclopedia of Ancient Greece by Nigel Guy Wilson, 2005).
Reasons for wearing high heels, which are almost exclusively aesthetic, include:
They change the angle of the foot with respect to the lower leg, which accentuates the appearance of calves.
They change the wearer's posture, requiring a more upright carriage and altering the gait in what is considered a seductive fashion.
They make the wearer appear taller.
They make the legs appear longer.
They make the foot appear smaller.
They make the toes appear shorter.
They make the arches of the feet higher and better defined.
They make the lower leg muscles more defined.
They make the gluteus maximus more defined.
They may improve the tone of a woman's pelvic floor.[4][5]
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Old 01-13-2011, 12:48 PM
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Re: Adornment!!

I am converted, don't wear them....ha....
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