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Old 09-30-2007, 11:02 AM
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What makes a person tender hearted?

I don´t know if this is the right word but all my life I have been tender hearted...I wish sometimes that I was not so easily moved...I can just see a picture of a staving child and break out weeping my heart hurts so bad for it...(that is just an example)
I have worked 40 years with the poorest of poor in Brazil...and wept problably everyday over their sufferings...when I worked at the leper colony I would weep with them...If I walk into a place where idols are being worshipped I weep.
Why am I like that?
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Old 09-30-2007, 11:05 AM
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and I really don´t think it has anything to do with a missionary call...I have been like that since a child...I was wondering today just why am I like I am?
Odd question and have waited a life time to ask but today I found the courage to ask...
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Old 09-30-2007, 11:22 AM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Jesus Christ is touched by the feelings of our infirmities. Christ in you and you in your human spirit are touched when you see the sufferings of others. When we know Him in His resurrection and in the the fellowship of His sufferings, then we can feel what others are feeling.

Your heart is touched and you weep just as Jesus Christ wept at the tomb of Lazarus. He saw the suffering of Lazarus's family and He was touched. I know there are other opinions about why Jesus wept but that is my opinion. I believe that He also thought of the pain that Lazarus had felt in his sickness and death. When you have the mind of Christ, Sis, you feel the pain and suffering of others.

You have a burden for people and you show that through the compassion and love of Christ. Don't ever lose it.
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Old 09-30-2007, 11:27 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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My sister in Christ, it is the burden of the world that was placed in your inner beings from your youth...I am convinced of it.

It is indeed a call and a move of God that not all in the Body have.

Do they love to see folks come to God?! Of course...

Would they stay up all night and pray with souls on the altar?! Absolutely...

However, the difference in those who love the lost and those with a burden is the call.

It is no respector of age or gender. It is not dependent on heritage or bank account or who we know.

It is somethng deep within which brings tears and a gut-wrenching longing to reach and heal and aid.

You have it...I have a friend who has had it since she was six years old. It is from God, and the meager words I have written here today do not begin to describe what it is or why some have it while others do not.

I just know it is a precious call that with it brings tremendous humility...one cannot weep for the lost and suffering and maintain an "it's all about me" attitude...it's impossible.

God bless your sensitive and burdened heart, Mother A...may He always use you to fulfill this call.
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Old 09-30-2007, 12:02 PM
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Sister Alvear

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I have never become accustomed to lostness...the dreary dark world of paganism..it pains me deeply.
I looked at those beautiful people at the UPC conference and thought of their struggles and all that is going on among them and wept...
Yes, maybe it is a call...
Monies to help us may be sent to P.O. Box 797, Jonesville, La 71343.

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Old 09-30-2007, 03:06 PM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Sister Alvear View Post
I have never become accustomed to lostness...the dreary dark world of paganism..it pains me deeply.
I looked at those beautiful people at the UPC conference and thought of their struggles and all that is going on among them and wept...
Yes, maybe it is a call...

Tenderhearted is empathizing with others in pain. Not everyone has that ability. God has given it to you in mega-doses and it shows.

Love & Blessigns, Rhoni
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