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Old 08-19-2007, 11:36 AM
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"One Mind...OneAccord"

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Divine Healing

As some may recall, a couple of weeks ago, I requested prayer for my wife. She had suffered a minor stroke, and subsequent examination revealed a moderate sized tumor in her brain. The day after we got the diagnosis, she began having seizures. She was rushed to the hospital and underwent emergency surgery. The tumor was removed and she is recovering here at home. Your continued prayers are both needed and appreciated. Please help us pray for a finacial miracle as my wife's existing medical problem (arthritis) makes it impossible to get insurance.

While at the hospital, I read a tract entitled Divine Healing, published by a Oneness group here in Alabama. I read the tract and felt urged to write a letter to its author (below, in bold). Too many times the sick are led to believe their sickness is due to some fault of their own. Please read the following and lets discuss it. In the meantime, thank you for your prayers and encouragement.

Christian Greetings. Recently, while at the Huntsville Hospital in Huntsville, AL, where my wife underwent surgery for a brain tumor, I picked up your tract "Divine Healing" on a table there and began to read. While I have been Apostolic all my life, the circumstances that we have encountered in recent days has really caused me to do some soul searching. Which, incidentally, is exactly what trials and tribulations are for, as in the case of Job.

But, as I read your tract, I noted the stated causes of sickness: 1. Sin, Lack of faith and, 3. Lack of knowledge. While I certainly believe these reasons for sickness are biblically correct, I couldn't help but notice how all three stated reasons for sickness seem to place the responsibility for sickness upon the sufferer. They are sick because there is sin in their life. Or, they are sick because they lack faith. Or they are sick because they have little or no knowledge. While, again, these may be true, it would seem that, also from a biblical perspective, there is another reason for sickness. We look at Job, a perfect man, one who loved God and hated evil. Yet, Job was stricken with sickness. Lazurus, a man whom Jesus loved and undoubtedly believed in Christ as the Messaih, yet, he too was sick. Pauls companion Meletus, was also sick. Can we say, speaking from biblical sources , that these persons had sin in their lives? That they failed to have faith or knowledge?

Or, could it be that there is another reason for sickness other than those stated? Is it possiible that, since sickness in whatever form attacks the righteous and the unrighteous without prejudice, sickness is, in fact, a mere part of the human experience? Could it be that sickness is as much a part of life, as is life itself? No one is immune from sickness. I rejoice in your healing, and believe that Christ bore the price of our healing on Calvary, but I also know there are multitudes of Spirit filled Christians who suffer sickness and pain, through no fault of their own. They are sick because sickness comes to all who are a part of Adam's race. Some recieve healing, others do not. Its a mystery to us why this is so, but it is.

I suggest that sickness has no real reason. It just is. Instead of trying to find reason for the sickness, should not we commit ourselves to finding the will of God in healing the sick? Sickness just is... and comes to everyone. True, sickness does result from sin. Failing to have faith and knowledge does bring about sickness. But the reasons for sickness doesn't stop there. The Bible doesn't implicate the sufferer as the cause of sickness in every case. Sickness, whether it comes from genetics, viruses, bacteria or from whatever source, comes upon people from all walks of life. And to suggest to the sick that their particular sickness is a result of some fault of their own, seems to suggest short-sightedness on the part of the author.

My wife has been a believer for more years than I can count. Her life is Christian in every aspect. Her sickness isn't a result of some sin. Her faith and knowledge in God's Word is impeccable. Like Job, her attitude is "Though he slay me...yet will I trust him". Her sickness... well, we don't know why it is. We just know that it is. We know our God is able to do all things, and we trust that He will, and has. To suggest sickness result only from the three things mentioned in your literature places an unnessecary guilt upon the sufferer. Like the sickness they have is their own fault. And, that just isn't always the case. No, we shouldn't accept sickness as "the way it is". But we should recognize sickness for what it is... an obstacle to overcome... a test of faith... and an aspect of human life and not a fault or failure on the part of the sufferer.

Thankfully, my wife is recovering from surgery with no sign of brain damage. We've been told she is free of the brain tumor. But we aren't out of the woods yet. She suffers from crippling arthritis and has other complications. But our faith... her faith... in God makes anything possible. Please continue to pray for us that God's will be done.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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Old 08-19-2007, 01:35 PM
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I am glad that you wrote that letter to the author of the tract you read. When I hear or read things that say that the cause of sickness/illness/accidents are because of a lack of faith in the life of the one who is afflicted I get very upset. My husband suffered a ruptured aortic aneurism May 13, 2006. That aneurism certainly was NOT because of a lack of faith on his part or any or ours. Nor was it a result of sin. Or anything else.

Ok, maybe it was the result of sin. But not in the way that some would think. It was the result of ADAM's sin. Because of the sin in the garden and all the sin that has followed after that, human beings will be afflicted with things like disease and sickness until Jesus returns. It's just a fact of life.

From the day we are born, we all begin dying. It's just the way we are made. No one gets out of this life alive.
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of a battle ! ! ! !
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Old 08-19-2007, 01:59 PM
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"One Mind...OneAccord"

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Thank you, sister. That was exactly my point. You just made the point more clearly, and with fewer words, than I. As I stated, sure, sickness sometimes is due to matters of the heart (sin, unbelief), but not in every case. Sickness happens to everyone as a result of Adams sin. Through his rebellion, sickness became a part of life. It seems strange to me that the when the subject of sickness is discussed or written about, the emphasis is placed on the cause of, and not so much on the cure of, sickness. I do believe God has the power to heal. I have seen that power manifested many, many times, and am believing for it now. Instead of looking for who or what to blame the sickness on, we just rest in the assurance that our God is able to do abundantly and exceedingly above what we are able to ask or even think. My prayers are with you.
Originally Posted by Margies3 View Post

I am glad that you wrote that letter to the author of the tract you read. When I hear or read things that say that the cause of sickness/illness/accidents are because of a lack of faith in the life of the one who is afflicted I get very upset. My husband suffered a ruptured aortic aneurism May 13, 2006. That aneurism certainly was NOT because of a lack of faith on his part or any or ours. Nor was it a result of sin. Or anything else.

Ok, maybe it was the result of sin. But not in the way that some would think. It was the result of ADAM's sin. Because of the sin in the garden and all the sin that has followed after that, human beings will be afflicted with things like disease and sickness until Jesus returns. It's just a fact of life.

From the day we are born, we all begin dying. It's just the way we are made. No one gets out of this life alive.
"Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him...." -Psa. 37:7

Waiting for the Lord is easy... Waiting patiently? Not so much.
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