urgent need - brazil bro raul alvear jr.
> C.P. 250
> BRAZIL, S.A. 13001-980
> Dear Friends and Supporters of Missions,
> We are experiencing great revival in Brazil. God has continued to bless us beyond what we could imagine. Many new souls have made their way into the House of God and our services are explosive. I want to thank you all for you support and prayers. They have certainly made all the difference to us and our work.
> We are currently still constructing the tabernacle on our campground. We have come so far, all the walls are up and the construction on the roof has begun. We are very excited for the completion of the building, but unfortunately the expenses have grown. We have 21 windows that need glass. The windows are very large and the cheapest we can have these windows completed is $200 each. The total cost for just the windows is $4,200. That is a good price but unfortunately it is money we do not have. We have recently put electricity on the property. The electricity is costing us $6,000 to install. Thankfully the electric company allowed us to pay in thirds and we have paid one-third of the cost so far. However, the bill for the remaining $4,000 is due. I gave out checks for the remaining bill, money I do not have but in faith I believe someone will help. We are planning on having our first conference at the campground on July 20th-22nd, and we are wanti
ng to complete these projects before that date.
> I was going to travel to the states this week to raise the money, but my passport has expired and I believe my presence here is needed to greatly. Revival is explosive here. A whole trinity church has received the revelation of the Oneness and they need to be taught and baptized. We are baptizing souls every week. I am needed here right now, there is too much happening for me to be leaving. Therefore, I have faith in God that a miracle will happen. Needless to say we need a financial miracle and I know not all will be able to give but everyone can pray that those who are able will give.
> I want to thank all our friends in the states who have made it possible to come this far with the construction of the campground. You all are such a blessing to us. We are believing in Jesus name that the way will be made for our needs. I thank you all for your support and prayers. Continue to help us pray. God Bless you richly.
> Because of Calvary,
> Rev. Raul Jr., Sister Michele and Julia Alvear