Perhaps now that it's happened to a NY Times reporter this will get more attention. For a while now, conservatives like Ben Shapiro and others who have been against Trump, have been harassed by anti-Semitic Trump supporters. Photoshopped images of Trump in a Nazi uniform pressing the button to a gas chamber with an image of Shapiro or others in the gas chamber seem to be the favorite. There have been death threats, including threats against Shapiro when he tweeted about the birth of his son.
Classy, Trumpsters.
Yesterday, a reporter from the NY Times tweeted:
"""Melania Trump says @juliaioffe provoked vile antisemitism. Klan all in & Adelson urges Jews to back @realDonaldTrump """
This began a deluge of anti-Semitic tweets against the reporter.
I posted about this in another thread, in which a reporter did a story about Melania Trump and received the same anti-Semitic deluge of tweets, including death threats. She also "received calls from people playing Hitler speeches, told that she 'should be burned in an oven,' 'be shot in the head,' and was sent photoshopped images of her in a concentration camp uniform."
Melania's only response was that while some "probably" went too far, "she (the reporter) provoked them." I.E. it's the victim's fault.