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Old 12-10-2015, 06:49 AM
Originalist Originalist is offline
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GOP establishment trying to elect Hillary?

I have often suspected that the GOP establishment is full of closet Democrats. Their ignoring of and even trying to undermine the Tea Party landslide victories in the past few mid-term elections, as well as their continually nominating soft Presidential candidates have always caused me to suspect they are in bed with the enemy.

According to an influential conservative member of the media, the GOP establishment plans to fight Trump at the convention no matter how many delegates support him, and to run Romney/Ryan on an alternative ticket if Trump prevails at the convention.

If they do this, I predict it will cause the death of the GOP.
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Old 12-10-2015, 03:14 PM
Rudy Rudy is offline
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Re: GOP establishment trying to elect Hillary?

Originalist, I believe they are mostly globalist. They may have slightly different views on how to get there.

Possibly Trump may not be a part of it.

I believe we are headed for armed civil unrest.

I look for trump to be assassinated if he doesn't bow to the hidden powers that be. Or at least an attempt.

Our government allows the body parts of children to be sold and they call Trump Hitler.

I believe God rules in the kingdom of men. Sin can run on for a long time as one singer would say. But sooner or later God will cut you down!



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Old 12-10-2015, 04:41 PM
n david n david is offline
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Priebus lied...

The GOP has NO plans and does not intend to support Trump as the GOP nominee, should he win a majority of states and delegates.

When Trump and Priebus met, he made Trump sign a pledge to remain with the GOP. Trump signed the pledge and stopped issuing threats of leaving the GOP race. Now we see Priebus had no intention to honor the GOP part of the pledge, which was if Trump won, they would support him.

This isn't good. Like Trump or not, he's winning the polls and looks likely to win the nomination. If the GOP doesn't abide by the pledge, Trump will go 3rd party and the GOP will lose.

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Old 12-10-2015, 05:45 PM
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Re: GOP establishment trying to elect Hillary?

Trump and everyone of his sycophants say he is not bought by special interest....that's because he IS the special interest
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Old 12-10-2015, 06:48 PM
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Re: GOP establishment trying to elect Hillary?

Ha! It's 2008/2012 all over again.

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Old 12-10-2015, 06:50 PM
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Re: GOP establishment trying to elect Hillary?

It's all part of the plan. Divide the GOP so Hitlery can have a public excuse for why she gets to wear the crown.

Assuming we make it that far, that is.
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