Originally Posted by Aquila
I find myself with strong libertarian leanings. I can't stand either of the two leading parties.
I'd be more inclined to be a social conservative Libertarian. So, I wouldn't define myself as a strong Libertarian. I do align myself more with the Independents who have abandoned the Republican Party because they have left their core values.
I was listening to Pat Caddell, a Democrat pollster, who stated that the GOP Establishment wants the IRS to go after the Tea Party groups because they interfere with their power structure.
"Because the Tea Parties are an outside threat to their power hold and I'm telling you the lobbying consulting class of the Republican party and Republican leadership who have been attacking the Tea Parties, and alienating them, they want the IRS to do this,"
This is what the GOP Establishment is to me and why I can say - Hang the GOP.
Now watch the GOP, along with the mainstream media, blaming Rand Paul for "bringing" up Monica Lewinsky when all he did was answer a question posed to him on the subject. Now they are turning it around saying that Rand is waging war with Hillary. He might be, but not on this issue. And even though he has a good point, because she defended Bill, Rand wasn't the one that brought up the subject in the first place. BUT, the GOP will use it against him. I've already seen them doing it - Charles Krauthammer, etc.
This is why they lose. They won't stand on principle, and they will fight anyone, i.e. Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, etc. who will.