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Deep Waters 'Deep Calleth Unto Deep ' -The place to go for Ministry discussions. Please keep it civil. Remember to discuss the issues, not each other.

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Old 10-27-2013, 08:55 AM
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Sheila Sheila is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 206
What Is Evil? The Hungry Lion

Evil is the hungry lion that hunts to eat not knowing why it's hungry. Then it dumps it's food from the other end and eats again. It is not ruled by it's head and it is not ruled by it's heart, it is ruled by a hunger that it cannot comprehend. It is dead and doesn't know that it is, like a machine or beast, it is always roaming and seeking to devour. This is the beast and the marks of those that follow are visible. They are predators

Mankind is usually ruled either by his head or by his heart.
If he is ruled by his head, he is ruled by the ways of the world immersed in himself and the mechanisms of the world. Greed for control of money, people, government without true evil intentions but working for evil none the less, sound asleep and unaware of the cliff's edge, blind. He follows the beast without seeing him.---He is stone cold.

Some of mankind are in a cage, they have a heart but let the pressures and weight of the world's problems bog them down. Always to live eating, sleeping, working with head bent and just moving through where life leads them and never leading. They walk the world asleep, seeking freedom and never finding it because they think it is hidden within the dollar. They start to wake up sometimes, give a little, help a little and then tell themselves that is good and go back to sleep. They are lukewarm.

The man who is ruled by his heart is forever and always in pain, a pain of the soul for the lost, the hurt and the lonely. Always worried but moving against the lion in an effort to stop the hunger from devouring all of creation. They bear the weight of their pain, always struggling in an effort to awaken the others from their deep sleep, trying to get them to open their eyes to what is happening in an effort to bring the people together to destroy the hungry beast from the land. They set themselves apart to lead. They are always awake and aware. They move without fear. They are hot.

Then there are the few that are very aware of the hunger, they follow willingly and knowingly seeking to whom they can devour while enjoying the sensations and pleasure that they get from the fear and pain they cause. They are ruled by the gut without thought of past, present nor future. Without thought of others they run as mindless beasts living on sensations of pleasure in destruction of innocence, love, happiness of others. They openly seek desolation and do not care about there destination. They have no mind nor heart that rules them. They are machines of destruction and they exist among us. They are the dead and yet they live. They are predators.
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