Originally Posted by odooley6985
Are the mexicans and afghans mentioned in your post becoming legal or living here illegally?
I can safely say from the standpoint of where I live, you have a bit of both. And I don't know which group holds the largest percentage.
We had some illegals holed up a few blocks from our house. The only reason they were caught is that the Handler, termed Coyote, attempted to steal a vehicle when the owner had gone inside the store to make a purchase. He jumped in, drove to pick up the illegals, the police were alerted and a chase ensued. He wrecked the car, got away, but the illegals were retained. I had entered the same store only 10 minutes after the incident took place.
Another incident of a group with a cache of weapons, including IEDs were picked up, at a location, 20 minutes from my house. The people were not legal immigrants.
They are coming in through our border and someone is not stopping them.
This part of the article reminded me a lot of the Chicago way of life, which includes many other urban areas as well.
"Living the Afghan lifestyle in London or Los Angeles is even sustainable because food and housing are free.
That just leaves large packs of nomadic youths roaming the streets, selling drugs and rioting at the slightest provocation until it's time for them to get married and make more nomadic youths of their own. It's not that different from Afghanistan. It's the tribal life transplanted to the West. It's a culture with no real purpose except to produce young males eager to fight and expand tribal power and a religion with no real purpose except to affirm that as a religious duty."