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The Music Room Share your favorite music, or request song lyrics here.

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Old 05-20-2013, 11:10 PM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Post Kickstarter

So, the past few weeks I've been tossing around the concept of using Kickstarter to get the funding to professionally record the songs God has blessed me with over the years.

For those not familiar with the website, it's basically crowd-funding. You set a goal, and a time limit to reach that goal. For example, if I think that I'll need $3,000 (including taxes and fees) to do the work, I make that my minimum limit and set a time frame of, say, 30 days. If, in that amount of time, I haven't reached the goal, then no one gets charged and I get nothing. If it succeeds in achieving at least that much, then at the end of the campaign, everyone's cards are charged by Amazon (they handle the CC processing).

Those pledging, are promised rewards by the campaign creator (in this case, me). For example, a minimum reward could be one song in high-quality, lossless format. A higher pledge, could get the entire album in said format. Or possibly even offer physical CD's, if the price were right. It all depends on what structure I want to create to incentivize pledgers. Pledgers can even opt to just donate the money without a reward, at their discretion.

That's the basic premise of the site out of the way.

What I'm wondering, is what kind of interest there might be amongst fellow Apostolics (or even non-Apostolics). I've been writing songs for over 20 years now, although sadly, a number of them were lost several years ago. Most of my songs were inspired while listening to the preaching of the Word. My favorite song, 'Picture of the Cross', was inspired while listening to a Family Camp sermon on 'No Velvet Cross'. Here's a snippet of it.

Originally Posted by Verse2
The sky turned black as night in the middle of the day
And the veil was torn in two, as Jesus passed away
At His final breath, His spirit left, as He gave up the Ghost
And the Heavens rang with a mournful cry, sung by the Heavenly host
Another, 'Move my God', was inspired while in service at church, though to be honest, I've forgotten at this point what that sermon was.

Originally Posted by Verse1
The shaking of the mountains cannot move my God
The warring of the demons cannot move my God
The might of the nations cannot move my God
But I have the power to move my God
I'd love to upload audio recordings, but I have no mic hooked up at home. I've considered recording it at church, but things aren't working quite right on the PC there.

If I do go ahead with this, it will take a few months minimum of planning before I even begin. I have to get prices (the studio time, writing the music, etc), determine taxes, decide on reward structures, etc.

Does this sound like something any of you are interested in backing if I decide to proceed forward? Obviously I'm not looking for commitments at this stage (I'm not even committing to anything myself, just yet), I'm just seeking opinions or even advice.
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Old 05-22-2013, 10:08 PM
Jito463 Jito463 is offline
J.esus i.s t.he o.ne God (463)

Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 2,806
Re: Kickstarter

Hmm, maybe it will help if I upload some audio clips. Now that I've got things working right at the church, I can record them properly. I'll try to get some up in the next few days.
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