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Old 08-03-2012, 08:49 PM
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Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

We began life in the Garden of Eden as vegetarians--animals also. Genesis 1:29-30 And we were told to go forth and REPLENISH and SUBDUE the earth--ie-TAME IT. How could we subdue the earth? With maternal instinct--Love. When we were told to not eat of the tree of knowledge that in that day we would surely die--Was that tree the knowledge that meat was good to eat--did this start our way of blood lust? Did we kill an animal for food and then God clothed us in the skin of the animal we killed? In Genesis 2:9 it says that we could eat of every tree FOR FOOD but not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I think that God Himself is the tree of life and in the day that He came and walked among men as Jesus--He forgave us and told us to eat meat, knowing that we were ignorant of the charge/sin. God says that He is all life. Colossians 1:15. Did He begin us with the knowledge that to eat of Him was a sin? When we got kicked out of Eden did the devil and his band also get kicked out of heaven at this time?
God often describes trees as things that give life or knowledge and branches as things that bear fruit. Jesus was described as a branch or vine.
After getting kicked out of Eden, man and woman developed very different personalities. Men were the hunters/predators and women were the ones with the maternal instincts. It seems as if man and woman have since that time often been at odds, with women trying to subdue the man and man trying to become more loving and family oriented. Women giving birth and loving sons to often watch them grow up to go to war and fight and die. Genesis 3:16. Until recent days the serial killers were all men. Is this hunter instinct something that has been more of a problem for men to overcome? Is this the curse that God placed upon us---to overcome the blood lust and the desire to kill, harm and maim with the maternal instinct to nurture? I know that in recent times man is just as maternal towards their children as women and some are more so, with women sometimes developing a more killer instinct.
Did we all begin with only a maternal instinct--one of love and nurturing only to become predators and prey?
I know some of you will try to kill me because of this thread--shoot.
Yeshua Bless You
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Old 08-03-2012, 10:21 PM
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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

I'm still gonna eat ribeye's.
Today pull up the little weeds,
The sinful thoughts subdue,
Or they will take the reins themselves
And someday master you. --Anon.

The most deadly sins do not leap upon us, they creep up on us.
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Old 08-03-2012, 11:11 PM
bbyrd009 bbyrd009 is offline

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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

I've considered this, but it seems moot,
as Christ ate fish, and told us
"Don't you know? It isn't what is eaten that
makes one unclean..."

While this initially gave me some trouble in contrast with
swine eaters being "smoke in God's nostrils,"
this passage and others indicate to me that
eating meat/not eating meat is not the question,
at least now.

But considering this in the context of
eating of the tree of knowledge is interesting;
I had formed another opinion based upon sex,
but have to put letting blood right up there.
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Old 08-04-2012, 02:38 AM
Bro Coles Bro Coles is offline
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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

God Bless you sis Sheila

I dont think we are here to shoot each other, we are here for fellowship and edification.
I believe if we claim to be Christians we should have the Spirirt of the One we claim to serve and treat each other as we would treat Christ.
We all see things in a certain light and I guess depending on where we are looking from, it makes us see things in a certain way. We need to be standing at the right angle to see the thing the right way. I know if there is a BIBLE QUESTION, there must be a BIBLE answer.
You have a good thought there my sister, however I dont think I agree with all that you have said. Maybe I could help just to shed a little bit more light on your thought. I am not attacking you or anything, but this is just fellowship where we could share thoughts and help each othre by the Grace of God.

Firstly Genesis is the seed book of the Bible we can find everything in the bible in seed form in Genesis.
And God has a pattern in writing His Word and many times He hides things and does not say everything in black and white, but it takes the TEACHING OF THE SPIRIT to bring out a HIDDEN TRUTH. If we are truly sincere and Honestly want to know the Truth and have a LOVE for His Word, I believe He will show us.

Secondly God's first decision is His final decision, and when He comes after that He does everything by that first way. and HE NEVER CHANGES HIS MIND ABOUT HIS WORD.

Thirdly God is Spirit and when He deals with His BRIDE He deals with her spiritually and everybody else looks at things naturally.

Okay to start off with in Genesis 2:8-9 God plants a garden IN Eden. and OUT of the GROUND he makes to grow every TREE, "pleasant to the sight", "good for FOOD"; then there is a second part to verse 9 which says "the TREE of LIFE also in the MIDST of the Garden, and the TREE of KNOWLEDGE of good and EVIL".
Now if you just read casually it seems almost as if all trees grow out of the ground and also that the 2 latter trees are part of the first group that are good for food, but if you look closely, it mentions the first group then adds the other two trees.
The first group of trees are natural trees , the last two trees are NOT VEGETATION, they are of a different kind.
Yes the Tree of Life was God in FORM, but to be MORE SPECIFIC, it was the DIVINE LAW/WORD of God.
"Man shall not live by bread alone(NATURAL) but by every Word that proceeds out of the mouth of God(Spiritual)"

Now in Genesis 2:16 God says that Adam could eat of "of every tree of the Garden he may freely eat" then He says but not of the tree of Knowledge of Good and evil. Is God contracdicting Himself here? NO. He may eat of the natural trees, this is EVERY TREE, but not of this tree of KNOWLEDGE of Good and EVIL.

Already if you catch something you see that God is hiding His Mystery between NAtural and Spiritual and if you see God's pattern, He does that throughout the Bible.
He speaks natural/Spiritual.
Now the Act that Eve did at first was a Spiritual act that resulted in a natural ACt, but the real Sin happened in the Spiritual Realm. Because God is SPIRIT, and He always DEALS in the Spiritual. Watch and see throughout the Bible, He sees into the heart not the physical ACTS, because the physical acts is a reflection of the condition of our hearts.

Now ADAM was made in the IMAGE of God(Spirit Man) with God's attributes, but then the First time we see attributes of the Devil is when Cain is born(Murder, liar, Religious, Stubborn....) Something Happended. And what Happened is another topic altogether, but just to get to the point:
It was not the eating of meat that caused lust, and all these things, there was a fall from the image of God, and also there was an infusion of a BEASTLY NATURE into the Human RACE, this came via the Serpent. Because the Serpent was a beast who could TALK. Before the Serpent was judged, he was upright and he could talk, and he had all the knowledge of the principles of life. He was very close to the human being.

Now What God did in clothing Adam and Eve was because they tried to clothe themselves and hide their sin, and nakedness, but God knowing His Word, slew an innocent animal, and covered them, as a TYPE of What He would do in the future, when He would slay His only begotten Son and then ROBE a Church with the HOLY GHOST, not with MAN MADE RELIGION(fig leaves).

But anyway im just touching the surface, but maybe if you have anymore questions you may ask

God Bless you
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Old 08-04-2012, 03:00 AM
Bro Coles Bro Coles is offline
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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

Yes you are right

its not what you eat natuarlly that makes you unclean, its SPIRITUAL.
God deals with His Bride Spiritually.

You are on the right track there when you connect SEX to the eating from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Yet the true EATING was first Spiritual, Eve partook of the Serpents Wisdom of KNOWLEDGE, and forsook the Word of God.

1) Eve must have got the Word from Adam, because she was not manifested as yet when God gave Adam the Commandments. Hence when she was answering the Serpent, she was answering from what Adam told told her yet, she did some things which allowed the Serpent to gain an entrance.

2) So what did Eve do that was wrong. We must never ADD, MISINTERPRET, TAKE AWAY from the WORD......
And this is What Eve did in Genesis 3 if you read carefully. Compare Eve's answers she gave to the Serpent and compare the original commandments given to Adam in Genesis 2
In Genesis 3:1, the Serpent in testing Eve added 1 WORD "not" and changed the whole meaning of What God said. then in Genesis 3:3 Eve adds to the Word " neither shall ye touch it" , God never ever said neither shall ye touch it. She accepted the Serpents perverted Word(twisting of the Word)

So already Eve had the Word wrong and so in this the Serpent gained entrance and so Eve had the 3 LUSTS that caused her fall eventually.

LUST of the Flesh: Genesis 3:6
LUST of the Eyes: Genesis 3:6
PRIDE OF LIFE: Genesis 3:6

She fulfilled 1 John 2:16

She fulfilled all lusts first then the physical ACT took place. But When God looks he deals with the SOURCE first.

So also to Sis Sheila, the LUSTS as you can see here came not by eating MEAT, when eve lusted MEAT was not even in the picture.

thats why its important to start with SEED in Genesis and the Whole book opens before your EYES, Christ Revealed in His own WORD.
Everything you find in Genesis you can find in Revelations, its ONE BOOK, ONE AUTHOUR, ONE MYSTERY, ONE PLAN: REDEMPTION

And just to come back to the Serpent offering Eve fruits from the Tree of Knowledge.... the world today operates from that TREE. mans wisdom and CIVILIZATION, but God's CIVILIZATION is by FAITH, without Faith it is impossible to PLEASE GOD. Adam before the Fall operated by FAITH, he lived in a Faith Civilization, no buildings and cities and all these things, he named the Animals and could speak and it would happen, never felt tired etccc....

God bless you saints, the WORD of God is so Wonderful

Originally Posted by bbyrd009 View Post
I've considered this, but it seems moot,
as Christ ate fish, and told us
"Don't you know? It isn't what is eaten that
makes one unclean..."

While this initially gave me some trouble in contrast with
swine eaters being "smoke in God's nostrils,"
this passage and others indicate to me that
eating meat/not eating meat is not the question,
at least now.

But considering this in the context of
eating of the tree of knowledge is interesting;
I had formed another opinion based upon sex,
but have to put letting blood right up there.
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Old 08-04-2012, 12:21 PM
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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

The only difference between the Garden of Eden and our world that I could fine in the Bible? Nothing ate meat before then God flipped the world backwards---Carnivores
Everything afterward became Predator/Prey.
Did Eve think that by disobedience to God she could turn her Adam into a God? Did she worship her man more than she did God? Did she kill? Then did God make her to suffer more in the role of prey? Most abusers are men. Most serial killers are men who kill women. Did he drive a wedge between man and woman as punishment until they repent and turn to Him first--each other second? Were men and women more equal in thought to begin with? With both being more maternal in instinct? Just some things to think about.
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Old 08-04-2012, 01:02 PM
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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

Originally Posted by Sheila View Post
We began life in the Garden of Eden as vegetarians--animals also. Genesis 1:29-30 And we were told to go forth and REPLENISH and SUBDUE the earth--ie-TAME IT. How could we subdue the earth? With maternal instinct--Love. When we were told to not eat of the tree of knowledge that in that day we would surely die--Was that tree the knowledge that meat was good to eat--did this start our way of blood lust? Did we kill an animal for food and then God clothed us in the skin of the animal we killed? In Genesis 2:9 it says that we could eat of every tree FOR FOOD but not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. I think that God Himself is the tree of life and in the day that He came and walked among men as Jesus--He forgave us and told us to eat meat, knowing that we were ignorant of the charge/sin. God says that He is all life. Colossians 1:15. Did He begin us with the knowledge that to eat of Him was a sin? When we got kicked out of Eden did the devil and his band also get kicked out of heaven at this time?
God often describes trees as things that give life or knowledge and branches as things that bear fruit. Jesus was described as a branch or vine.
After getting kicked out of Eden, man and woman developed very different personalities. Men were the hunters/predators and women were the ones with the maternal instincts. It seems as if man and woman have since that time often been at odds, with women trying to subdue the man and man trying to become more loving and family oriented. Women giving birth and loving sons to often watch them grow up to go to war and fight and die. Genesis 3:16. Until recent days the serial killers were all men. Is this hunter instinct something that has been more of a problem for men to overcome? Is this the curse that God placed upon us---to overcome the blood lust and the desire to kill, harm and maim with the maternal instinct to nurture? I know that in recent times man is just as maternal towards their children as women and some are more so, with women sometimes developing a more killer instinct.
Did we all begin with only a maternal instinct--one of love and nurturing only to become predators and prey?
I know some of you will try to kill me because of this thread--shoot.
Yeshua Bless You

There are so many problems with this post. Unfortunately I am leaving and don't have the time for a proper response until later tonight. Assumptions, bad interpretation and equivocation.
"Beware lest you lose the substance by grasping at the shadow." ~Aesop
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Old 08-04-2012, 01:23 PM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Blood Lust/The Fall of Man and Angel

Interesting post. While I definitely don't agree with the "eating meat" angle I HAVE considered the fact that the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil wasn't a literal tree with literal fruit and was more spiritual in nature. If it was literal why did God put it right in front of their faces to stare at every day knowing that it was only a matter of time before one of them got overly curious and experimented with it? If for whatever reasons there had to be a tree places somewhere why didn't God put it on the opposite side of the planet where it would be hundreds or thousands of years before humans even found it?
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