Obama Reinforces Bank Regulations; What About US?
So here we go, Chase Bank loses $3 billion, so the sharks from Washington seek to take advantage of another perceived "crisis" or potential crisis to empower the federal government with more authority and a bigger role in our market system. These guys capitalize on fear, and misinformation in order to ingratiate themselves with more control over our lives!
People make mistakes, including bankers and investors. The market works if you leave it alone! People that risk heir money in the market know there's a chance they might lose it. If you don't trust the market, if you don't trust investment firms, if you don't trust Wall Street, don't put your money there!
Losers should be left alone---that is to remain losers. No bailouts, no govt rescue, no taxpayers taking the brunt of their errors.
But what I want to know is, WHO IS REGULATING UNCLE SAM?!?!?!?
Our government WASTES $3 billion on a regular basis. There is no greater gamble than Uncle Sam! You stand a greater chance to lose that much money and more with our govt any day than with Wall Street. In fact our INTEREST PAYMENTS ALONE far exceed $3 billion every year! Where is the outcry for more accountability in the federal govt?
We aren't going to hear that from BO or Washington.
And to top it all off, President Obama just did a fundraiser with Wall Street types and raised over $2 million. Where's the accountability there?
Give me a break...
When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.