Originally Posted by Praxeas
Lebanese troops blasted a Palestinian refugee camp with artillery and tank fire again Monday, seeking to destroy a militant group with Al Qaeda ties. The barrage smashed buildings and sent plumes of black smoke towering over the crowded camp on the Mediterranean.
The fierce, two-day battle has killed nearly 50 combatants and an unknown number of civilians, raising fears that Lebanon's worst internal violence since the 1975-1990 civil war could spread in a country with an uneasy balancing act among various sects and factions.
Refugees in the Nahr el-Bared camp, on the outskirts of the northern port city of Tripoli, hid in their homes as fighting raged, and Palestinian officials in the camp said nine civilians were killed Monday. Reports from the camp could not be confirmed because officials and reporters could not get inside.
Having lived over there for many many years, I often got the feeling I was watching an old Punch and Judy puppet show! many different puppets attacking each other, but the same puppeteer behind the curtain! And he is working BOTH puppets!
Another really fascintaing (to me anyway) observance was the first time I was able to go to Jerusalem after having livede on the arab side of the borders for so many years. I got into Jerusalem late at night, my hotel was in the old city just inside the Jaffa gate. As the taxi was taking me down a street outside the walls that was in the very orthodox area of the city, I saw some older ultra orthodox men , and it struck me immediately, they had the same scowls on their faces, the same kind of aura of hate on them that I saw on the ultra religious muslims back in Amman! It seemed like the more religious they (either party) became the more prone to scowl and hate they were. A simplistic observance I know, but what can I say, it's what I saw. Oh another thing that was amazing was , since I often stayed at the same Christian Guest House (Christ Church) just inside Jaffa gate, I would often spend the evenings just outside the Jaffa gate watching the construction of various buildings going on down in the valley below. and there was a kind of promenade there and Poor elderly Muslims and Muslim women with babies would often sit there beggging from the tourists going by. And you would watch the little Ultra orthodox kids with their (oh I forget now...tzit tzit ? on their pants and their little kepas and white shirts, running up and viciously kicking these elderly men and women, while their ultra orthodox dads watched, smoking cigarets, joking about it with each other!!! I time and again would uyell at the little kids HEY!!!! And they would run back to their dads who would whisper to them and then SEND THEM RIGHT BACK TO DO IT AGAIN! Of course the Israeli soldiers watching this never did anything to stop it either...yes the hate there is palpable, its a triangle of hate. A POLYGON of Hate... if you say the arabs are responsible because one of them blew himself up ina pizza parlour killing 18 then they come back with well he did THAT because the jews plowed down his olive grove, blew up his house and shot his brother dead! and then he says...they say...he says...they say... The "reasons" are endless. Jesus is the only answer for these people, pure and simple.
And evangelizing Israel does NOT seem to be at the top of anyones list!
Joseph Conroy