Originally Posted by Amanah
I listened to it
He says that Jesus will not come back until intercessors:
1) preach to the nations that he is coming back to take over their nation
2) pray and beckon his return to rule their nation
3) suffer martyrdom to provide the justification for judgement of that nation
the above is what consitutes preaching the gospel of the kingdom to every nation.
Yes most Christians are not aware of this. Jesus said you will be hated by all nations. If we preach he is going to take rulership away from the Presidents, Kings, and Dictators they wont like it. It will bring us into direct conflict with them as we will be seen as "extremists".
The Justice Dept. of the USA stated years ago that any group that believes in the second coming of Christ is a cult. When we preach to the nations the true gospel the "good news" that Jesus is coming to take away their authority they will think thats "bad news".
Im not sure I get point 3 from the sermon but I appreciate that you took the time my Sister.