Evangelist & Family In Accident Car Totaled
Several of you know Bro & Sis Gary Blacksher, originally from Texas.
I have shared with you the wonderful move of God we experienced while they were ministering for us.
They are a tremendous couple, with two small children, evangelizing full time.
Recently they were involved in an auto accident which totaled their car.
Unfortunately, their auto was not covered by the insurance policy.
Needless to say, a full time evangelist without an automobile is in dire straits.
I recently received the following letter from Bro & Sis Blacksher, soliciting sponsors as they attempt to do whatever they can to raise funds to purchase a decent used vehicle.
I will be inviting our church to make pledges on Sunday to support them in this effort.
Would you prayerfully consider doing the same, or whatever you feel led, to help these good people?
Thank You
Loy Baird
.. The Blackshers did not ask me to post this.
Evangelist & Mrs Gary M Blacksher
512 E College St
Crawfordsville IN 47933-2905
Phone (317)-670-0998
Dear fellow laborers, family, and friends;
Greetings in the lovely name of Jesus! God is doing mighty things in this last hour and we are thankful to be part of it!! In the middle of these great things, we have experienced a not so great thing that we are thankful for.
On May 4, 2007, we were involved in a 3 car collision that totaled our car. My wife was transported to the hospital, and was sent home with no broken bones, just bruises. Kaitlynn (6) and Caleb (4) were mostly scared by the loud noise the airbag made on impact. I am mostly sore where the airbag made contact with me. We are truly thankful to the Lord that it wasnt worse. We know it could have been!
Unfortunately, this has hurt us financially. We are full time evangelists with the UPCI/Texas District and need a vehicle to be able to travel and minister. This is what the Lord has called us to do and as of yet, has not released us to minister in some other way. Thus we are in an emergency situation that we were not fully prepared for. This is why we come to our family for assistance.
On Friday, May 25th we will be doing a fundraiser. My wife and I will be riding/walking 15 miles to raise funds for a vehicle to be able to fulfill our calling. Kaitlynn and Caleb will be going one mile to help out. Would you be able to help us reach our goal? You can make a single donation or a by the mile donation.
Please make your check or money order payable to:
Rev. & Mrs. Gary Blacksher - Acct # 748673183.
This account has been set up specifically for this need. Please send your donations in care of: Mrs. Barbara Davenport ~ 512 E College St Crawfordsville, IN 47933-2905. (This is my mother-in-law and she will be helping us to keep track of all the donations.) We need to receive all donations by June 1, 2007. If you are unable to help financially, please remember us in your prayers, that the Lord would supply our need, as He faithfully has to date. Please accept our thanks in advance for your assistance and prayers! Our prayers are with you for continued revival and bountiful harvest in these last days.
In His Service,
Rev. Gary M. Blacksher
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Thank You for prayerfully considering this need.
L Baird
Vincennes, IN