Original Sin & Free Will
If we have any Calvanists out there in forum land, I am interested to know your take on "Original Sin" or "Total Depravity". If we are "born" sinners, then obviously children would not be saved, hence i.e (children's baptisms). Lucifer & Adam were not "sinners", but chose to sin. They were created neutral with a freedom of choice.
Obviously, we have the propensity to "sin", but are not "born sinners".
We do not sin because we "are sinners", but "sinners because we sin."
Now, the flip side of the coin is free will: if our sin is related to our "knowledge" and a child is not lost until he comes to the understanding or "age of accountability" i.e. (deliberate depravity), does ignorance excuse us? When Jesus forgave on the cross, He declared "they know not what they do".
Truth is, some of our sin is not deliberate, many do not "know" any different. Paganism is darkness without knowledge.
Anyone have any comments or ideas toward creating a solution to merge these two tensions?