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Old 05-05-2011, 11:09 AM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Lots follow the logic: GWB cannot be given any credit for the policies that procured the intel that led to the eventual taking out of OBL, say some BO blind loyalists.

Then you cannot say that this economy is George Bush's fault either. If it happens on your watch, then you own all of it right?

So if Obama gets 100% credit for OBL, he gets 100% for high gas prices, rising costs of food and goods, high unemployment, the national debt, the deficit, low consumer confidence, poor housing market, rising interest rates, big trade deficits, the BP oil explosion, etc.

I don't blame BO entirely for the poor economy. Republicans did their fair share during the Bush years to deepen the debt and expand government. I've made the clear many times. But I get humored at the "blame Bush for everything wrong" crowd, but as soon as something good happens its "this wouldn't have happened if not for Obama's efforts to get OBL! Bush failed to get him, he cannot be credited AT ALL for any measure of contribution to the death of OBL".

The lack of reason is mind boggling. Any objective person should admit that there is a string of continuity from president to president that contributes to the eventual successes and failures of government and military. The policies change for sure, but its like one relay racer passing the baton to the next. Once they get the baton, the race is theirs for as long as they run their leg. But their position is greatly influenced by their predecessor.

Ronald Reagan alone didn't win the Cold War. You have to string together the efforts of every president from Truman to Reagan to be objective about what gave us victory over Soviet communism. Reagan deserves the lion's share of credit because he made it a specific and focused policy to defeat the Soviets militarily and economically. But its not fair to grant any credit to his predecessors.

Obama deserves much praise and credit for this great victory for America! I praised him immediately when I heard the news and watched his speech. But you folks who cannot recognize the contributions of the Bush Administration in this are simply disingenuous or you are truly blinded by all of the political brainwashing performed on you by the Democratic Party and liberlism.

Did Bush contribute to this poor economy? Yes. Did Bush contribute to the killing of OBL? Yes.

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-05-2011, 11:50 AM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

deacon said.....Obama deserves much praise and credit for this great victory for America! I praised him immediately when I heard the news and watched his speech. But you folks who cannot recognize the contributions of the Bush Administration in this are simply disingenuous or you are truly blinded by all of the political brainwashing performed on you by the Democratic Party and liberlism.

deacon, I would not mind giving Bush any credit, if he really deserved it. He stated that it was not his priority....he was not concerned with him. With statements like that it was like he quit trying to get the right one that destroyed the WTC., and therefore should not have the credit at all. President Obama, even before he was elected said that he would get OBL, and HE DID. It was President Obama priority.
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Old 05-05-2011, 12:58 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
deacon said.....Obama deserves much praise and credit for this great victory for America! I praised him immediately when I heard the news and watched his speech. But you folks who cannot recognize the contributions of the Bush Administration in this are simply disingenuous or you are truly blinded by all of the political brainwashing performed on you by the Democratic Party and liberlism.

deacon, I would not mind giving Bush any credit, if he really deserved it. He stated that it was not his priority....he was not concerned with him. With statements like that it was like he quit trying to get the right one that destroyed the WTC., and therefore should not have the credit at all. President Obama, even before he was elected said that he would get OBL, and HE DID. It was President Obama priority.
As we've seen, the "Not my priority..." quotes were largely invented and the fuller context of President Bush's statements give a different portrayal of his true feelings.

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Old 05-05-2011, 01:18 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
As we've seen, the "Not my priority..." quotes were largely invented and the fuller context of President Bush's statements give a different portrayal of his true feelings.

Your trying to show facts to someone who could care less about them.
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:33 PM
deacon blues deacon blues is offline
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
deacon said.....Obama deserves much praise and credit for this great victory for America! I praised him immediately when I heard the news and watched his speech. But you folks who cannot recognize the contributions of the Bush Administration in this are simply disingenuous or you are truly blinded by all of the political brainwashing performed on you by the Democratic Party and liberlism.

deacon, I would not mind giving Bush any credit, if he really deserved it. He stated that it was not his priority....he was not concerned with him. With statements like that it was like he quit trying to get the right one that destroyed the WTC., and therefore should not have the credit at all. President Obama, even before he was elected said that he would get OBL, and HE DID. It was President Obama priority.
SS, did the Bush admin really stop pursuing OBL? No. There's plenty of evidence that continued putting the pressure on him. Why was he in Pakistan? Because Bush chased him out of Afghanistan. Why was he hiding? Because he knew the US was still after him. Its possible that Bush made those statements to send the false message to OBL that he could relax b/c Bush wasn't coming after him so they could cover the fact that there was a huge covert effort to capture or kill him.

You are willfully ignorant. In the face of overwhelming evidence you refuse to accept that without the Bush administration groundwork, BO admin would not have been in a position to kill OBL.

I don't care what Bush said---i judge him by what he did. He got the vital intel from KSM and others that led our Navy SEALS to Abbottabad.

Even NANCY PELOSI had enough sense yesterday to thank the Bush admin for their contributions in killing OBL! Give it up SS! Not even the Queen of Liberals is willing to deny the Bush contribution that you refuse to acknowledge!

‎When a newspaper posed the question, "What's Wrong with the World?" G. K. Chesterton reputedly wrote a brief letter in response: "Dear Sirs: I am. Sincerely Yours, G. K. Chesterton." That is the attitude of someone who has grasped the message of Jesus.
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:38 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
As we've seen, the "Not my priority..." quotes were largely invented and the fuller context of President Bush's statements give a different portrayal of his true feelings.

Not so, as if you read your post, which I quoted, all said exactly that it was not the priority of Bush to get bin laden and he did say that he was not concerned. Did you really read your post?
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:44 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
Not so, as if you read your post, which I quoted, all said exactly that it was not the priority of Bush to get bin laden and he did say that he was not concerned. Did you really read your post?
Has it ever occured to you that Bush said that on purpose - - to relax OBL so that he'd slip up and be found more easily?

Just a thought.
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:46 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by deacon blues View Post
SS, did the Bush admin really stop pursuing OBL? No. There's plenty of evidence that continued putting the pressure on him. Why was he in Pakistan? Because Bush chased him out of Afghanistan. Why was he hiding? Because he knew the US was still after him. Its possible that Bush made those statements to send the false message to OBL that he could relax b/c Bush wasn't coming after him so they could cover the fact that there was a huge covert effort to capture or kill him.

You are willfully ignorant. In the face of overwhelming evidence you refuse to accept that without the Bush administration groundwork, BO admin would not have been in a position to kill OBL.

I don't care what Bush said---i judge him by what he did. He got the vital intel from KSM and others that led our Navy SEALS to Abbottabad.

Even NANCY PELOSI had enough sense yesterday to thank the Bush admin for their contributions in killing OBL! Give it up SS! Not even the Queen of Liberals is willing to deny the Bush contribution that you refuse to acknowledge!
Where is the evidence that you are speaking about? I know one time that he was cornered and Bush let his friends go in after him instead of the US armed forces, and of course he got away. I do not believe that Bush really tried to get him. I saw a documentary where Bush was shaking Bin Laden's hand. And what was the first thing he did when the WTC was attacked, he got his buddies out of town on a jet. Maybe President Obama had good reasons not to let so many people know about his plans to get bin laden.
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Old 05-05-2011, 03:53 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

Originally Posted by Seascapes View Post
Where is the evidence that you are speaking about? I know one time that he was cornered and Bush let his friends go in after him instead of the US armed forces, and of course he got away. I do not believe that Bush really tried to get him. I saw a documentary where Bush was shaking Bin Laden's hand. And what was the first thing he did when the WTC was attacked, he got his buddies out of town on a jet. Maybe President Obama had good reasons not to let so many people know about his plans to get bin laden.
Well, there ya go! Perhaps that's why Bush didn't bang his fist and say we're killing the jerk!
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Old 05-05-2011, 04:13 PM
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Re: Bush, No Credit for OBL; Then No Blame 4 Econ

U.S. Concludes Bin Laden Escaped at Tora Bora Fight
Failure to Send Troops in Pursuit Termed Major Error
By Barton Gellman and Thomas E. RicksWashington Post Staff Writers
Wednesday, April 17, 2002; Page A01

The Bush administration has concluded that Osama bin Laden was present during the battle for Tora Bora late last year and that failure to commit U.S. ground troops to hunt him was its gravest error in the war against al Qaeda, according to civilian and military officials with first-hand knowledge.

Another change since Tora Bora, with no immediate prospect of finding bin Laden, is that President Bush has stopped proclaiming the goal of taking him "dead or alive" and now avoids previous references to the al Qaeda founder as public enemy number one.

"Terror is bigger than one person," Bush said March 14. "He's a person that's now been marginalized." The president said bin Laden had "met his match" and "may even be dead," and added: "I truly am not that concerned about him."


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