Originally Posted by Berkley
What do you know about these two congregations in Houston?
All I know is that Church of Champions is pastored by Wendell Hutchins... and that Jon Suber was a member there.
Christian Tabernacle is the exploding pulpit church.... located less than ten minutes from where I reside.
Your thinking of Richard Heard of Christian Tabernacle. The whole "exploding pulpit" event is referenced here ...
They are ok i guess, have heard alot of good and some bad.. the bad mostly coming from UPCI folks who attack him for leaving and other personality based things. Seems to be booming as far as growth.
I've been to Church of Champions. David Grisgsby is their outreach guy who i mostly interacted with. Good folks, the pastor is a bit strong in his personality.. but all things in balance a solid church thats also growing fast.
If your looking for a good church in the S.E. Houston area give my friend Mark Willhoite a try. He planted a UPCI work there a year ago and is running about 40ish.