Originally Posted by Dedicated Mind
The economy lost 8 million jobs during Bush's final months in office and Obama's first few months. Is this Obama's fault? NOOO! We cannot dig out of a recession in 2 short years. Bush and his policies are to blame for the economy. We need to give Obama more time. Why did the republicans oppose a deficit reduction commission after having previously supported it? Republicans want to see Obama fail. They don't want to cooperate on anything with democrats. So bah humbug to the republicans. Obama needs to become more partisan to increase majorities in a democratic congress. Republicans don't have a chance in 2012 when the truth is told.
Obama is a disaster for the economy. He has lost jobs 15 of 21 months in office. Why? He promised to do net job creation. \
Most recessions last half as long as this one and climb back twice as fast.
Dedicated mind needs to buy a used econ book at a garage sale also.
How many jobs were filled when Obama was elected? 146 million
How many jobs are filled today? 139 million
How many people added to the work force in 21 months? 120,000 per month
Democrats controlled Congress since ............
By Jonathan Weisman and Shailagh Murray
Washington Post Staff Writers
Friday, January 5,
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was elected America's first female speaker of the House yesterday in a raucous, bipartisan celebration of a historic breakthrough, and hours later she presided over passage of the broadest ethics and lobbying revision since the Watergate era.
So the budgets came from Democrats.
Obama was a Senator from Illinois and voted in favor of these spending binges.