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Old 09-18-2010, 08:37 PM
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So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

I predict that "Conservatives" will take control of the House and Senate this November.

I predict that in a year and a half from now, Americans will be feeling much better about our economic recovery.

So when things really start looking up, who predicts that the GOP will take the credit for saving the economy?
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Old 09-18-2010, 09:01 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I predict that "Conservatives" will take control of the House and Senate this November.
Thanks to your boy single handedly ruining the democratic party. He's a terrible president and the democrats will pay this november, through guilt by association.
Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I predict that in a year and a half from now, Americans will be feeling much better about our economic recovery.
So Obama thw savior can't get anything worth while accomplished in two years, but your saying if rebuplicans become the majority in the house and senate you expect the economy to turn around before the next elections. Why exactly are you voting democrat? If not for economical reasons, I would assume you don't agree with their ideas on moral issues, Obama has broke promises about ending the Iraq war, in fact more troops were just sent to Iraq, with more shipping out within the next two weeks. So why are you such a stauch Obama sheep?

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
So when things really start looking up, who predicts that the GOP will take the credit for saving the economy?
1)as well they should
2)AS IF Obama wouldn't be attempting to take credit.

My big concern is that the economy does turn around and the Obama anger subsides a little bit and He gets a second term, then we all lose (even if some don't realize it).
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Old 09-18-2010, 09:30 PM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by Jason Badejo View Post
(1) Thanks to your boy single handedly ruining the democratic party. (2)He's a terrible president and (3) the democrats will pay this november, (4) through guilt by association.

So Obama thw savior can't get anything worth while accomplished in two years, but your saying if rebuplicans become the majority in the house and senate you expect the economy to turn around before the next elections. Why exactly are you voting democrat? If not for economical reasons, I would assume you don't agree with their ideas on moral issues, (5) Obama has broke promises about ending the Iraq war, in fact more troops were just sent to Iraq, with more shipping out within the next two weeks.

(6) So why are you such a stauch Obama sheep?

1)as well they should
2)AS IF (7) Obama wouldn't be attempting to take credit.

My big concern is that the economy does turn around and the Obama anger subsides a little bit and He gets a second term, then we all lose (even if some don't realize it).

(1) The President is not my boy or anyone's boy.

(2) He's not a terrible President and he did not ruin the Democrat Party.

(3)If the Democrats "pay" it will be in large part due to their lack of communication to their constituents and a lack of leadership on their part, personally, as Americans witnessed during the "town hall meetings"-- Republican operatives sabotaged the meetings in the beginning of all of that and they (Democrat politicians) refused to fight back through open, honest and intelligent discourse.

(4) The Democrat party was rotten before Obama and will be rotten after him.

One thing to remember is that when Americans feel like things are going badly, the incumbents always suffer.

The whole reason why so many Democrats will be out of job soon is because not that long ago, a whole lot of Republicans found themselves out of job.

Or do we not remember the anti-GOP sentiment that most Americans identified with not even two years ago that started almost 4 years ago with a sweep in Congress and ended with a sweep of the White House.

I expect the economy to turn around because it is already turning around, things are getting better it's just a slow process.

Hopefully, when things do look up, people will realize that nothing is ruined or fixed over night.

(5) Since when is a Democrat to be criticized for not ending a war soon enough? Wasn't it almost yesterday that the Democrats were being identified as "cut-and-run" turncoats who did not value the sacrifices of our servicemen or the commitment of our country to Iraq-- to leave her better than we found her?

Besides, he's not sending more "combat troops". If we pulled out to quickly, we'd create a vacuum that terrorist operatives from Iran and Saudi Arabia will be happy to fill.

(6) I am a sheep with only One Shepherd and His Name is not President Obama.

(7) Why shouldn't he? If his actions, policies and decisions made during his tenure work to make America stronger, should he not be credited with the good? Or because he is a Democrat, there is NOTHING GOOD he can ever do?
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Last edited by Jermyn Davidson; 09-18-2010 at 09:47 PM.
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Old 09-18-2010, 10:58 PM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I predict that "Conservatives" will take control of the House and Senate this November.

I predict that in a year and a half from now, Americans will be feeling much better about our economic recovery.

So when things really start looking up, who predicts that the GOP will take the credit for saving the economy?
why not? Whiny shrill democrats have been giving them credit for destroying it
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Old 09-18-2010, 11:01 PM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

The reason the incumbents take the blame is because there are a group of people who screwed up big time and don't want to take the blame. Democrats had their hands in the going to war drama. They had their hands in the economy going south but they all collectively pointed their fingers at George Bush and with the help of liberal media, most of America drank the koolaid
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  3. Every sinner must repent of their sins.
  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 09-19-2010, 06:30 AM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by Jermyn Davidson View Post
I predict that "Conservatives" will take control of the House and Senate this November.

I predict that in a year and a half from now, Americans will be feeling much better about our economic recovery.

So when things really start looking up, who predicts that the GOP will take the credit for saving the economy?
I predict that unless the GOP has learned it's lesson from the GWB administration four years from now we'll be talking about the Dems throwing the GOP out.

Our government is going to have to quit spending so much money doing things that is shouldn't. For example Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't want us there and about the only thing we are accomplishing is getting our loyal soldiers killed. They have to quit spending!
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Old 09-19-2010, 10:34 AM
canam canam is offline
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by brotherjason View Post
I predict that unless the GOP has learned it's lesson from the GWB administration four years from now we'll be talking about the Dems throwing the GOP out.

Our government is going to have to quit spending so much money doing things that is shouldn't. For example Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't want us there and about the only thing we are accomplishing is getting our loyal soldiers killed. They have to quit spending!
Tell that to bama,he spent more in stimulous then the wars have cost ! One chunk alone was 111 million which "saved" 55 jobs
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Old 09-19-2010, 02:02 PM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by canam View Post
Tell that to bama,he spent more in stimulous then the wars have cost ! One chunk alone was 111 million which "saved" 55 jobs
Oh I agree wholeheartedly, I just think both parties could learn to quit wasting money is all I was getting at. Obama has to be setting records for the way his administration is spending! I sure with they would throw some my way while they are at it!
2 Peter 3:13 Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.
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Old 09-19-2010, 05:25 PM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by canam View Post
Tell that to bama,he spent more in stimulous then the wars have cost ! One chunk alone was 111 million which "saved" 55 jobs
The worst thing about the obama stimulus is that it didn't do a single thing. At least under Bush he put some money directly back into the hands of hard working Americans.

Under Bush the stimulus check I received was $1800
Under Obama, I was stimulized with $13/week savings on my payroll taxes.

I'd rather NOT see any stimulous', BUT if they are going to go ahead and do it, the Bush stimulous was 10,000 times better than Obama's failed plan.

PS-Jermyn the economy is not recovering under Obama, you've been saying that for 2 years, give it a rest, and put down the Hussein flavored koolaid.
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Old 09-19-2010, 08:43 PM
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Re: So When Things Really Start Looking Up...

Originally Posted by brotherjason View Post
I predict that unless the GOP has learned it's lesson from the GWB administration four years from now we'll be talking about the Dems throwing the GOP out.

Our government is going to have to quit spending so much money doing things that is shouldn't. For example Iraq and Afghanistan, they don't want us there and about the only thing we are accomplishing is getting our loyal soldiers killed. They have to quit spending!
Yes, "quit spending" [so much]. However, I really couldn't care less if "the Afghans" don't "want us there." Too bad.

The "govt" they had supported, facilitated and hosted the leaders of the attacks against the United States on 9/11. Then they poo-pooed around denying that they did. Then they said "so what if we did."

That's when good Americans start knocking on doors in Afghanistan and blowing things up. We have to have boots on the ground there to keep the same terrorist camps and supply chains from reforming.

You sound like you've been drinking the Ron Paul Kool-Aid. Afghanistan attacked us. We belong there.
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