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Old 05-28-2010, 08:21 PM
DAII DAII is offline
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Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

I was perusing CLC's Summer 2010 periodical "The Cross" ....

where there is an article entitled, Looking for that Blessed Hope: PreTrib or Post Trib" in which Phil Dugas' passive agressively attacks those who who hold a post tribulation view as not having any "solid scriptural basis" and categorically calls the pre-trib view "Apostolic" .... Sorry Irwin.

.... and another article by Kenneth Haney, titled "Israel's Right to Land: Zionism to Prevail" .... in which the former UPCI pontiff asserts a that Christians have a duty to support Zionism.

Kenneth Haney writes, "As Christians, until our departure happens, we must become unwavering supporters of Zionism. (pg 24) .....

and another pretty good article by Eli Lopez simply called "Repent" where he speaks of the forgotten "relic" of repentance beginning his piece with the question "Whatever happened to repentance?" ....

I came across an ad insert on page 19 promoting a 4 part DVD series by Nathaniel Haney named "Holiness Sermon Series".

The description of disc 4 reads:

"Pastor Nathaniel Haney helps godly women understand why Christian women do not cut their hair and the reward that comes from being submitted to God through obedience."

Has anyone heard this sermon series? Anyone have this series or disc 4? I reserve judgment on its content until I hear it.

I know Lee Stoneking speaks about being with Nathaniel when he instructed the ladies in Haney's church to pray with their hair down and how this resulted in "many miracles".

Does Nathaniel teach HMH?

Last edited by DAII; 05-28-2010 at 08:28 PM.
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Old 05-28-2010, 08:38 PM
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

You know... I never thought that I'd actually be even somewhat in favor of "teaching hair with a stick."
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Old 05-28-2010, 11:43 PM
Jason B Jason B is offline
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

I guess I'm a little bit slow, or is it that nothing suprises me anymore........

when I saw the title of this thread I was expecting a quote somewhere along the lines of "Just look at how natural long the greens are on carrots, DOTH NOT EVEN NATURE TEACH YOU."

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Old 05-28-2010, 11:54 PM
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

I must be missing something.
Carrot? As in Bugs Bunny?
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Old 05-29-2010, 02:27 AM
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

Carrot and a stick approach to getting the desired behavioral outcomes? "Haney" appears to be teaching that there are benefits to women not cutting their hair - like perhaps "angelic" benefits (the carrot approach).

Despite DAII's obvious chagrin over that one, I suppose we could ask if that isn't "better" than sending everyone of to hell (the "stick" approach).

Another usage of the idiom involves the practice of tying a carrot onto the end of a stick and dangling it out in front of a mule pulling a cart. As the mule approaches the carrot - the cart moves forward so the "reward" is always just out of reach and never obtained.


The "carrot" analogy is a frequent criticism of works based religions. Some sort of "reward" is always promised but that reward is always just out of the reach of the followers of the religion.

"Perhaps you didn't have an angel show up and make a difference when your child died of leukemia - but stay faithful and NEVER trim or cut your hair and we're pretty sure that there'll be angels next time!

"Or the time after that..."
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Old 05-29-2010, 08:41 AM
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Carrot and a stick approach to getting the desired behavioral outcomes? "Haney" appears to be teaching that there are benefits to women not cutting their hair - like perhaps "angelic" benefits (the carrot approach).

Despite DAII's obvious chagrin over that one, I suppose we could ask if that isn't "better" than sending everyone of to hell (the "stick" approach).

Another usage of the idiom involves the practice of tying a carrot onto the end of a stick and dangling it out in front of a mule pulling a cart. As the mule approaches the carrot - the cart moves forward so the "reward" is always just out of reach and never obtained.


The "carrot" analogy is a frequent criticism of works based religions. Some sort of "reward" is always promised but that reward is always just out of the reach of the followers of the religion.

"Perhaps you didn't have an angel show up and make a difference when your child died of leukemia - but stay faithful and NEVER trim or cut your hair and we're pretty sure that there'll be angels next time!

"Or the time after that..."
Not always... when blessings do happen, hair can easily be credited as "obedience". "See, I didn't cut my hair and this happened!"

They just reached their carrot.
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Old 05-29-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
Carrot and a stick approach to getting the desired behavioral outcomes? "Haney" appears to be teaching that there are benefits to women not cutting their hair - like perhaps "angelic" benefits (the carrot approach).

Despite DAII's obvious chagrin over that one, I suppose we could ask if that isn't "better" than sending everyone of to hell (the "stick" approach).

Another usage of the idiom involves the practice of tying a carrot onto the end of a stick and dangling it out in front of a mule pulling a cart. As the mule approaches the carrot - the cart moves forward so the "reward" is always just out of reach and never obtained.


The "carrot" analogy is a frequent criticism of works based religions. Some sort of "reward" is always promised but that reward is always just out of the reach of the followers of the religion.

"Perhaps you didn't have an angel show up and make a difference when your child died of leukemia - but stay faithful and NEVER trim or cut your hair and we're pretty sure that there'll be angels next time!

"Or the time after that..."
The usage I bolded is a very common approach of Faith Healers as well.
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Old 05-29-2010, 11:23 AM
DAII DAII is offline
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
The usage I bolded is a very common approach of Faith Healers as well.
Tithe and prosperity preachers as well.
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Old 05-29-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

Originally Posted by Hoovie View Post
The usage I bolded is a very common approach of Faith Healers as well.
And "the BIG REVIVAL" that is just around the corner" is another carrot on a stick (in my opinion) because (in my opinion) we ARE in end time revival
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Old 06-02-2010, 10:05 AM
DAII DAII is offline
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Re: Haney Teaches Hair with a Carrot? ....

Originally Posted by DAII View Post
I was perusing CLC's Summer 2010 periodical "The Cross" ....

where there is an article entitled, Looking for that Blessed Hope: PreTrib or Post Trib" in which Phil Dugas' passive agressively attacks those who who hold a post tribulation view as not having any "solid scriptural basis" and categorically calls the pre-trib view "Apostolic" .... Sorry Irwin.

.... and another article by Kenneth Haney, titled "Israel's Right to Land: Zionism to Prevail" .... in which the former UPCI pontiff asserts a that Christians have a duty to support Zionism.

Kenneth Haney writes, "As Christians, until our departure happens, we must become unwavering supporters of Zionism. (pg 24) .....

and another pretty good article by Eli Lopez simply called "Repent" where he speaks of the forgotten "relic" of repentance beginning his piece with the question "Whatever happened to repentance?" ....

I came across an ad insert on page 19 promoting a 4 part DVD series by Nathaniel Haney named "Holiness Sermon Series".

The description of disc 4 reads:

"Pastor Nathaniel Haney helps godly women understand why Christian women do not cut their hair and the reward that comes from being submitted to God through obedience."

Has anyone heard this sermon series? Anyone have this series or disc 4? I reserve judgment on its content until I hear it.

I know Lee Stoneking speaks about being with Nathaniel when he instructed the ladies in Haney's church to pray with their hair down and how this resulted in "many miracles".

Does Nathaniel teach HMH?
If you would like to download a free copy of the Zionist "The Cross" ....

click here ....


I think I will have to order Disc 4 of NH's holiness series .... just 5 bucks.

They do have a Special Offer
FREE SHIPPING - Holiness has always been under attack, but as of late, there is an increased aggression by apostate Christians who have walked away from truth. These false teachers are willingly ignorant, choosing to deceive others in an effort to draw people away from God unto themselves. However, for every group of apostates, God has His own who love truth. It is for this reason that we are offering these teachings on holiness.

Last edited by DAII; 06-02-2010 at 10:09 AM.
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