Originally Posted by RandyWayne
This guy making the commentary represents the looniest of the typical Art Bell callers. He uses a long-exposure photo of the stars taken at the North pole and assumes THAT is proof that the Earth is stationary (otherwise, how would they move in a circle without streaking? he says). I've seen similar photos of the Earth taken from orbit which seem to show a black disk at the poles, and this is used as proof that the Earth is hollow.
How many people out there are "almost ready to accept Christianity" but are thrown off base by guys like this?
He wasn't even a great video editor because the gentlemen he aims his comments at does a MUCH better job at making his case.
The picture of the star trails (and I'm sure you know this Randy) is made by leaving a camera' shutter open for an extended period of time while it's pointed at the North Star.
Since the North Star is just a bit off the mark from absolute true North (1/2 a degree?) it makes the small circle at the center of the picture. Other stars make the other circles as the earth turns on its axis. Any of the "streaks" that he was looking for would have been caused by airplanes and such.
He also mentions the "math of William Dembsky." He states that Dembsky has "proven" that the sun lacks the gravitational math to hold the earth and the other planets in orbit. I seriously doubt Dembsky ever said such a thing. And besides, where would the earth get enough mass to hold the sun and all the planets in orbit (not to mention the entire universe!)?
I just thought that his "argument" for a Geo-centric universe sounded like so many arguments that I've heard for a literal six day creation and a 6,000 year old earth.