For anyone besides Jesus, I mean.
Out of the many billions of people who have ever lived, some still alive, some yet to be born, is it possible for
any of them to live a life (of at least, say, 30 years) without ever once doing anything wrong? No murders. (That's probably fairly common!

) No adultery, stealing, lying, idol worhip, etc. Ever!
I'm not talking about some kind of default guiltiness through Adam's sin or anything like that. I mean genuine acts of sin. Include sins committed unknowingly. E.g., if a woman wears pants (or think of something else, if you don't think that's a sin!

) without knowing it's sin, God would call it sin anyway (right?), so count that, too.
Include sins committed (if any) before (or after) being saved (those who were lucky enough). Look at the whole time line of each life.
So. What do you think? Certainly, everyone would agree (I think) that some people commit more sins than others. There must be a bell curve or something. Most of us are bunched together near the middle of the range. Some really bad guys are off to the right, sinning way more than average, but some really good folks are at the other end. Some have to be
really close to the Zero!
Could there be anyone with a lifetime count of
exactly 0 sins?