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Old 09-29-2009, 10:51 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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God's Affirmation: Contradictory?

I can't phathom this. I've heard messages by Church A and Church B, who both believe entirely different things. Church A preached their doctrine on standards, complete with tongues and interpretation and the Spirit of the Lord as they all wept on their face. Even the interpretation affirmed the Word. Church B did the same thing. Same Spirit. Why would God affirm both words? These men both took that affirmation to mean an approval of the doctrine they taught, and I don't know why they wouldn't.

This really boggles my brain sometimes.

Last edited by Jeffrey; 09-29-2009 at 11:04 PM.
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Old 09-29-2009, 11:32 PM
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Re: God's Affirmation: Contradictory?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
I can't phathom this. I've heard messages by Church A and Church B, who both believe entirely different things. Church A preached their doctrine on standards, complete with tongues and interpretation and the Spirit of the Lord as they all wept on their face. Even the interpretation affirmed the Word. Church B did the same thing. Same Spirit. Why would God affirm both words? These men both took that affirmation to mean an approval of the doctrine they taught, and I don't know why they wouldn't.

This really boggles my brain sometimes.
Were you at both services, did you only hear about one or the other or both, or did you hear a recorded message of one or the other or both?

The churches could be at different levels of maturity, both acceptable at their level considering maturity (but both expected to keep maturing). For instance you may have two children-one or 2 and 5. The five year old is expected to sit in a chair at the table, eating neatly with utensils. You praise him for doing this. The one or two year old is screaming, mashed potatoes in her hair, peas up her nose, and you praise her for getting any in her mouth or for picking up the spoon at all. Is one right and the other wrong? Not at their maturity levels.
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Old 09-30-2009, 09:51 AM
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Re: God's Affirmation: Contradictory?

Originally Posted by Jeffrey View Post
I can't phathom this. . . .
Really? Are you just messin' with us? Is it not obvious?

Just in case, here's the obvious answer: Interpretations of tongues (as well as words of knowledge and prophecies) can be made up! My guess is it happens all the time. Someone wants to "affirm" (as if from God) their pet doctrine, so they manufacture a message from God.

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Old 09-30-2009, 01:25 PM
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Re: God's Affirmation: Contradictory?

But when preachers teach on something doctrinally controversially (not necessarily worship), and the Spirit moves in -- in a tangible way that you can feel, sense, and identify with, how is that so? Does that not just confuse the flock?

Timmy, of course it can be made up. I'm not so cynical to approach the topic with such simplicity. The services I've attended in my lifetime have been sincere saints who are known for the gifts and operations in the Spirit. I will leave "making it up" as an option of course. Then we have to decide -- which church made it up? Church A or B? How do you know that?

Thankfully the Spirit overrides all our foolishness, and he visits with us anyway. I was just a little dazed about that. Just being vulnerable and honest.
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Old 09-30-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: God's Affirmation: Contradictory?

Sometimes I think that a move of God is just because he loves us, not necessarily that he is putting his seal of approval on what we're doing.
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Old 09-30-2009, 01:43 PM
Jeffrey Jeffrey is offline

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Re: God's Affirmation: Contradictory?

Originally Posted by *AQuietPlace* View Post
Sometimes I think that a move of God is just because he loves us, not necessarily that he is putting his seal of approval on what we're doing.
I think that too sometimes.
It's hard for it not to seem like approval when the subject matter is doctrinal matters, not necessarily about the love of God, an altar appeal or a time of worship. Those things are hard for me to understand. His thoughts leave me grasping air sometimes. Fact is, both congregants and preachers feel affirmed if they say something and the HG moves in.
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