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Old 07-22-2009, 11:56 PM
giftofgrace giftofgrace is offline
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Convictions you don't understand..

I am curious about how everyone here feels about being convicted by God about something, and you cannot think of any "logical" or practical reason why. Alot of people in here seem pretty intelligent and strive for seeing the rational side of the things of God, yet where is the line drawn? Someone says they are "convicted" of something or other and it's respected, yet nonsense and extrabiblical things are looked down upon. How do you deal with them? Do you strive to obey convictions even if you don't understand them, seek out only logic and reasoning, or a mixture of both? Do you feel that everything has to be make "sense" or if its not a heaven or hell issue is therefore unnecessary and a silly conviction?

Btw, I definetly agree with following the Lord's leading on convictions, not the traditions of men. For example, I am convicted on wearing makeup, jewelry, short sleeves and knee length skirts. I do not understand why. Yet I obey, because Ive been trying to straddle the fence on these things and I seriously feel convicted. I don't understand it, but I feel its not that big of a deal and if for some reason the Lord is pleased with this obedience from me, then so be it.

I am an analyst, always have been even before coming into the church, and I have tested this. I try to reason with things and never fall into man made "standards" and extra-biblical teachings. Yet I don't want to ignore my strong conviction just because it doesn't make logical sense to me, which would probably classify me as a legalist to some, lol. My personal opinion always goes along with the scripture "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways." Id like to hear what you have to say, Thanks.

Last edited by giftofgrace; 07-22-2009 at 11:59 PM.
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Old 07-23-2009, 12:46 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

Im not sure every conviction comes from God.

Muslims are convicted Allah is God and Muhammed is His prophet.

Mormons are convicted Joseph Smith was a prophet of God and the BOM is God's word.

Nation of Islam advocates are convicted that Elijah Muhammed was a prophet of God.

Millions of Germans were convicted that the things Hitler preached to them were true.

Convictions are beliefs. What forms the basis of your beliefs? Is it the word of God?
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  4. That Jesus name baptism is the only biblical mode of water baptism.
  5. That the Holy Ghost is for today and is received by faith with the initial evidence of speaking in tongues.
  6. The saint will go on to strive to live a holy life, pleasing to God.
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:00 AM
U376977 U376977 is offline
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

Certainly seems like there is a lot of confusion about them. I know of a pastor who preaches w/out a tie. My pastor says he must wear one in the pulpit. My unc used to never preach in short sleeves. Looks like if all of it were coming from God there would be a little more uniformity. ? It makes sense that they come from our own heart.
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Old 07-23-2009, 01:02 AM
RandyWayne RandyWayne is offline
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

....and peer pressure.
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Old 07-23-2009, 02:23 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

If one does from a conviction about something non-salvational that's fine and please stay true to your convictions,but I have a probelm when folks start saying that everybody has to have the same convictions about matters the scriptures don't class as salvational.

I do have some convictions that are personal but I don't teach those as matters for others to line up to.
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Old 07-23-2009, 03:54 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

You've got to do what your heart tells you to do. Of course, sometimes the human heart can betray us and tell us to do things like murder. That's where a revelatory guide can be of use - the Bible.

We've got to be honest and charitable toward one another along the way as well. For example, just because one person "feels convicted" about wearing a pair of baggy cargo shorts, it doesn't mean that something new has been added to our guide - the Bible.

The Bible gives us the eternal principles. The rest we do as an expression of our own personal style and feelings.
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Old 07-23-2009, 03:57 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

... and there are traps like peer pressure, fads and just plain silliness. People who are prone to these sorts of things stand out in any crowd. And, at times we've all made a blunder or faux pas so a healthy dose of humor and forgiveness always goes a long way.
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Old 07-23-2009, 06:14 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

Originally Posted by giftofgrace View Post
I am curious about how everyone here feels about being convicted by God about something, and you cannot think of any "logical" or practical reason why. Alot of people in here seem pretty intelligent and strive for seeing the rational side of the things of God, yet where is the line drawn? Someone says they are "convicted" of something or other and it's respected, yet nonsense and extrabiblical things are looked down upon. How do you deal with them? Do you strive to obey convictions even if you don't understand them, seek out only logic and reasoning, or a mixture of both? Do you feel that everything has to be make "sense" or if its not a heaven or hell issue is therefore unnecessary and a silly conviction?

Btw, I definetly agree with following the Lord's leading on convictions, not the traditions of men. For example, I am convicted on wearing makeup, jewelry, short sleeves and knee length skirts. I do not understand why. Yet I obey, because Ive been trying to straddle the fence on these things and I seriously feel convicted. I don't understand it, but I feel its not that big of a deal and if for some reason the Lord is pleased with this obedience from me, then so be it.

I am an analyst, always have been even before coming into the church, and I have tested this. I try to reason with things and never fall into man made "standards" and extra-biblical teachings. Yet I don't want to ignore my strong conviction just because it doesn't make logical sense to me, which would probably classify me as a legalist to some, lol. My personal opinion always goes along with the scripture "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and my ways are not your ways." Id like to hear what you have to say, Thanks.
For me this is not hard to understand. Where wearing for you would be a stumbling block for someone else it would not. But whereas, you could do something that would not be a stumbling block to you, but for another it could be.
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Old 07-23-2009, 07:27 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

This is a good topic, one that should be discussed in depth. However since I am neither deep nor do I have time, I can't enter a conversation of depth. But, I will say this: the Bible teaches us that we are to be fully persuaded in our own minds and that we are to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Why one person feels conviction for something while another does not is something I can't answer. My job is to abide by my own convictions, while not forcing them on others.
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Old 07-23-2009, 09:25 AM
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Re: Convictions you don't understand..

Originally Posted by pelathais View Post
You've got to do what your heart tells you to do. Of course, sometimes the human heart can betray us and tell us to do things like murder. That's where a revelatory guide can be of use - the Bible.

. . .
How does it help? Many times in the Bible, God commanded people to kill. You say that was Old Testament and God will no longer command anyone to kill?

Prove it.
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