Originally Posted by easter
This is in response to the(WHO DO YOU TRUST)thread...
To start of I'm speechless that someone would say the word of God is really not the word of God.
Brother Scott you told me to stick around,I guess it made this forum a little more interesting...
Brother Michael we put forth our best arguments and came out agreeing on at least one thing.
Not for Sale) I truley feel sorry for you.I'm sure you will come up with a not very Christian like response to this,but I do,feel sorry for you.Satan has sold you into a lie.Telling you the Bible is not really the word of God.Kinda like Satan telling Eve"You really won't die"
Of course not everyone has always had a Bible but the word survived and do you know why?Because God said it would!
Test the Spirits!All good things come from the Father and to say his word is not his word,well this is not from the Father.
Not For Sale ![Foot Tapping](http://www.apostolicfriendsforum.com/images/smilies/TapFoot.gif) You should be ashamed of your words.I pray to the Father that you lead no one astray with your false belief in the Holy Bible.
First, no need to feel sorry for me. My trust and hope in the Almighty has not changed for the worst. He is greater to me today, more than He's ever been in my life. My passion for answers is God's delight. Searching for truth must always precede our motive and "religious right" to live for God in fullness.
I do know people quite well and have been involved in much debate over a series of issues, Scriptural, moral, religious, and earthly. I've been married 29 years, raised 3 children who are all still attending church, and have pastored for 13 years. I do know this; you seek for the same answers, you just may not admit that. These questions are deep within all of us, but fear keeps them there because we've been taught never to question the "Validity" of the Bible or the Faith that has been dictated to us. To do that is heresy (this is the way past churches have kept the laity at bay, or locked in).
When fear motivates, anger arises at ALL who question. If what we believe is true, we should never be afraid of the question, nor the answer. This is simple. I taught my children this, and to this day, they have maintained an honest love and focus towards God.
Watching the Apostolic movement evolve has been interesting. Don't forget, we claim our roots to be of those from the book of Acts, but we really began in 1906 on Azuza Street. In fact, it wasn't until later that the denominal affect of this movement began, closer to the 1920's. Division, disagreement, and doctrinal divide created who we are. MEN are responsible for this movement and its cunning walls that make us SAVED and others LOST! Keep in mind, every denomination does this, and we become the victim, driven by the fear to not question. OBEY or be lost!
Ego and prosperity now drive this movement, just like the others, while we scramble to keep what we are about to lose. People today are informed and our Apostolic form is swaying under the false pretense of being right. This worked years ago when access to information was limited and people were unlearned, but in this hour we are able to brush aside MAN'S forum, finding God beyond the Country of American Church!
My prayer for you is this; Love the good that you have learned, but don't stop there. Putting God in a "Box" will limit who He is and who you will become. Statements you have made point out that you are "For Sure" about the Father and His intetion on those who question what you believe. By what authority do you speak these words? Who gave them to you? Did God speak to you?
Prepare to defend yourself, but remember, if what you thought was true is proven fallacy and you don't accept that, you my friend, have embraced a lie.