Recently there has been genuine fear and resulting backlash among some of the leadership elite in the UPCI.
Young ministers especially (of which there are so precious few left) are no longer satisfied with the two pat answers given when they have questions about “standards’ and procedures. Namely:
1 Because I said so.
2 Because that’s the way we have always done it.
IF certain “standards” are heaven or hell issues then why are they not deemed as such in “The Manual”?
Isn’t that a legitimate question?
The truth is in times past such ministers did simply leave the organization.
This time it is different. One thing that out of touch leaders have failed to note is that there has been a MAJOR shift of the center within the UPCI over the past decade or so, and this time there are men who refuse to be driven off from the organization they love and have spent their life working within.
And as has been pointed out in other threads and other forums the lament from certain leaders is “why oh why don’t they just go away like all the others did?”
The simple answer is they are actually aligned with the current mainstream of the UPCI, and if they hang around they WILL eventually be elected to offices were they WILL represent the true feelings and principles of the rank and file.
This scares certain factions who are used to saying “boo” and watching men scatter.
That is the Great Fear, it is not working this time.
There is nothing subversive going on.
Good men, spiritual men, who believe that
Acts 2:38 is the only correct response to the gospel are coming together. Not to question the Bible but to discuss mindless dicta from out of touch leaders, and how to deal with it in a godly manner.