Originally Posted by jhrsmail
One question is: What do you do for your community? I want to provide some sort of reachout for my community...let me know.
email : jhrsmail@gotsky.com
My home church is called The Hamilton Dream Center.
Our web site is:
Our goal is to restore lost dreams to people and to bring hope to the inner city of Hamilton, Ohio.
We are a very informal church. People can come as they are and we welcome them without judging them. We preach Jesus to them. We tell them that He loves them, can change their lives, give them a new start, give meaning and purpose to their lives, and will help them on a daily basis to face whatever comes their way.
We are diverse. White, Hispanic, and African Americans worship together.
We have a pastor who loves kids. Kids love him. He knows the names of kids who have been part of that church family for years and kids who come on the bus. He speaks at local schools and at the juvenile facility.
We reach out to people. Earlier this fall we gave out hundreds of back packs filled with school supplies. Later we gave out coats to children. Last year when some of those children came to church with dirty coats, our youth pastor took the dirty coats next door and had them washed and dried and ready for those kids when they went home. These giveaways are not limited to "church folks" or "members of our church." At Thanksgiving we gave out turkeys. At Christmas we gave out gifts which folks had purchased and wrapped based on a "wish list" from families.
We do outreach on Saturday mornings. We go to 3 hotels where transients are staying and we also go to several neighborhoods in the city. We give candy to lots of kids and invite them to Sunday School and Wednesday Super Kids Church. Some times people will let us pray for them and for needs in their family there on the doorstep or in their homes. We also give out groceries as we can.
On Sunday mornings we have breakfast available for people between Sunday School and morning service. For some that's the only breakfast they will get that day. We have separate Kids Church for little ones and for those a little older during the latter part of the service. Some times the kids go to a nearby nursing home to minister during the morning service.
On Wednesday nights, we have three services going on. In the auditorium we have Super Kids Church with up to 100 children Our pastor is in charge of that. We have a youth service with 35-50 teenagers which is led by our Youth Pastor. And we have an adult Bible Study Class. I teach the adult class and since most of the adults are involved with the kids or youth we only have from 5 to a 12 people in that class. We take time to pray for each individual who expresses a need and we teach from the Word. Before the services, we feed those children. Usually it's pizza and some times it's hot dogs.
These are some of the ways our Church serves the people of Hamilton, OH. We place emphasis on Mattew 25:31-46 believing that whatever we do to or for people we are doing to or for Jesus Himself.