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Old 01-01-2009, 10:42 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Revealed Tomorrow!!

Divorce Papers Found-Obama Sr./ Ann Dunham says Obama Jr. born in Kenya

Plains Radio Network has posted that they have found, and are going to post it online, Obama Sr. VS Ann Dunham divorce papers, which lists Barack Obama Jr. as their son, and as being born in Kenya..
I believe it's going to be posted online this Friday..

Check this out

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Old 01-01-2009, 10:45 AM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

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Old 01-01-2009, 11:16 AM
Dedicated Mind Dedicated Mind is offline
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

the cia, fbi, rnc, world wide media and hrc haven't got this info but plainsradio.com and st. mark have it? seriously mark, get a life
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Old 01-01-2009, 12:27 PM
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

In a few short days, an African-American man will move from his private residence into a much larger and infinitely more expensive one, owned not by him but by the taxpayers. A vast lawn, a perimeter fence and many well-trained security specialists will insulate him from the rest of us, but the mere fact that this man will be residing in this house should make us all stop and count our blessings - because it proves that we live in a nation where anything is possible.

Many believed this day would never come. Most of us hoped and prayed that it would, but few of us actually believed we would live to see it. Racism is an ugly thing in all of its forms, and there is little doubt that if this man had moved into this house fifteen years ago, there would have been a great outcry - possibly even rioting in the streets. Today, we can all be both grateful and proud that no such mayhem will take place.when this man takes up residency in this house.

This man, moving into this house at this time in our nation's history is much more than a simple change of address for him - it is proof of a change in our attitude as a nation. It is an amends of sorts - the righting of a great wrong. It is a symbol of our growth, and of our willingness to "judge a man not by the color of his skin, but by the content of his character."

There can be little doubt now that the vast majority of us truly believe that this man has earned both his place in history and his new address. His time in this house will not be easy - it will be fraught with danger and he will face many challenges. I am sure there will be many times when he asks himself how in the world he ended up here, and like all who have gone before him, the experience will age him greatly.

But I, for one, will not waste an ounce of worry for his sake - because in every way a man can, he asked for this. His whole life for the past fifteen years appears to have been inexorably leading this man toward this house. It is highly probable that in the past, despite all of his actions, racism would have kept this man out of this house.

Today, I am proud that I am an American, and that I live in a nation where wrongs are righted, where justice matters and where truly anything is possible.
Who is this man you ask?

Why, I am speaking of O.J. Simpson.
Ron Harvey

Remember, your day is only as good as the strength of the table you're dancing on!

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Old 01-01-2009, 01:50 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

Is anyone going to be checking up on this tomorrow?

What if they reveal something major that the gov'ment can't ignore?
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Old 01-01-2009, 02:04 PM
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

Originally Posted by ronharvey View Post

Why, I am speaking of O.J. Simpson.

You can't reach the world with your talents. People are sick and tired of religious talents. People need a Holy Ghost annointed church with real fruits to reach out and touch their lives. ~ Pastor Burrell Crabtree

In fact I think that the insinuation of "hateful" Pentecostals is coming mostly from the fertile imaginations of bitter, backslidden ex Apostolics who are constantly trying to find a way to justify their actions. ~ strait shooter

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Old 01-01-2009, 02:31 PM
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

I'd be more inclined to believe this if it weren't part of a much larger move of sheer desperation on the part of some people.

Unfortunately, this is not the only "theory" out there, which makes me believe that it's likely to be just as bogus as the others. What others, you ask?

1) Obama can't be an American citizen because his father was a British citizen (uh, no, he was a Kenyan, and his father being born in Kenya did not give him automatic British citizenship at that time).

2) Obama was adopted by Ann Dunham's second husband and is actually a citizen of Indonesia (what a parent does on the part of a minor child does not affect the child's US citizenship status).

and to that we have to add this theory:

3) Obama was born in Kenya, despite the contemporaneous birth announcement in the Honolulu paper as well as the fact that due to the Communist threat, comings and goings of American citizens were heavily scrutinized at the time. Ann Dunham wasn't in Kenya when her son was born.

Oh yeah, and then there's the popular right-wing American blogger who believes that Malcolm X is Obama's father. (I still haven't figured out if this one is a joke.)

If there were just one theory, one theory without big ole holes in it the size of Mack trucks, I'd be willing to give the evidence scrutiny and make up my mind. The fact that there are several competing theories indicates to me that there are people out there are making stuff up and then trying to throw it at the wall and see if it sticks.

Given the INCREDIBLY bad blood that existed for s VERY LONG TIME between Hillary Clinton and Obama, if there was some serious evidence that he wasn't a "natural-born" citizen (which, by the way, is a term NOT defined in the Constitution), it would have been out there over a year ago. To me, that's a huge sign that there is no evidence worth the time of day.

To me, this smacks of the Bush Derangement Syndrome that some fanatical liberals were accused of having because they didn't accept the results of the 2000 and 2004 election. And, like BDS, it's a way of undermining the authority of the president even before he takes office.

"He's not my president, he's not even a natural born citizen."

Let's not even start down that path, it's not healthy for our country.
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Old 01-01-2009, 02:52 PM
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Reveald Tomorro

Originally Posted by StMark View Post
Is anyone going to be checking up on this tomorrow?

What if they reveal something major that the gov'ment can't ignore?
I'm going to be saving Muppets from the annual Muppet killing and then saving the whales from pro-lifers.

Keep apprised for us.

Ron Harvey

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Old 01-01-2009, 03:36 PM
warrior warrior is offline
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Revealed Tomorr

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Old 01-01-2009, 03:39 PM
StMark StMark is offline
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Re: ((ALERT)) MAJOR Obama Evidence Revealed Tomorr

Originally Posted by warrior View Post

Who isn't over it?? There's nothing to get over. I just posted something that's suppose to take place tomorrow

This is a DISCUSSION FORUM... hello! For people to post their thoughts on the thread topics - is that okay with you?
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