If you come looking for me, you will not find me in my comfortable home in Rockland, here on the ranch. I will not be here to tend to the cattle, the horse, the 35 chickens or the 8 guineas. You will find me in the dump ministering to the needs of Jesus, my savior who has identified himself with these little children in the dump. You will find me in Tegusigalpa Honduras city dump doing what I can for them.
Tegucigalpa's city dump is an enormous land fill that covers acres of mountainous land about six kilometers outside the city limits. Trash trucks and other vehicles arrive in a steady stream from sunrise to after sunset, bringing the city's daily refuse to the ever growing mountain of trash.
But a mound of trash is not the only thing that is constantly growing at the city dump. Daily, more people call the dump home...1,200 people at last count. These are the poorest of the poor, those who can't even scrape up enough capital to sell candy or clothing in the cities bustling outdoor market. The dump is poverty's last stop, it shows human misery in its starkest form. The people fight with the buzzards to locate the "best" trash. Such a thing would be hard to believe, except for the pictures that don't lie.
The children of the dump work as hard as the adults do. They have two main goals each day. The first is to fill large trash bags with as much plastic or paper as they can. Then, near to the end of the day, men drive into the dump with pick-up trucks and buy the bags full of recyclable material. The middle men usually pay fifty Honduran centavos per pound, or about three U.S. cents. The kids can make a dollar on a good day.
Their second goal? To find their breakfast, lunch and dinner among the trash.
I will spend the month of September in Copan Honduras in language school. I will need this to be able to minister the true bread that came down from heaven that gives life to the whole world. You will find me feeding the hungry, cheering the sad, ministering to the children and tell people of God's wonderful love and the only plan of salvation of Him is mighty to save.
It is my desire to eventually erect an orphanage where I can house, feed, educate, clothe and prepare children for this life and the life to come too. It is an ambitious dream, but with God, all things are possible to Him that believeth.
I covet your prayers.