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Old 08-08-2008, 03:12 PM
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Vision of Fire

A close friend sent this to me in an email. I know some will doubt it and that is ok, but for those that are interested I thought I would share it will you.

In a message dated 7/13/2008 5:17:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time, pastor@matutis.de writes:

God gave me a vision this morning (11.07.2008).
I saw how, through a very small spark, a whole ammunition depot was blown up.

And the Lord said to me, “Write it down quickly, and let all your friends
know, so they will be warned, and not panic."
And this is what I saw: It was a black middle-sized bomb, which was fired into the desert like a missile. It looked like it was a maneuver, or a military

It was fired cluelessly; it did not meet its target, and looked like a false
start. It appeared as if the bomb exploded in the middle of the desert.
It had apparently missed its target, and dropped off in the desert.
Alas, no one had an idea that right at that point in the desert, below the
sand, a mighty armory was located, which had been secretly placed long before this time.

This small bomb, which had missed its target, now triggered an inferno.
The explosion from the stored bomb under the sand was no longer to be stopped.

Every minute brought about another greater and more severe explosion.
It refused to stop. The smoke that resulted from these explosions caused
darkness in the whole world.

The whole world was here, like a village.
All the people I saw were seriously affected, shocked and horrified.
They called out and screamed, “How could people be so crazy as to explode
bombs here, even though they are for test purposes”. It went blow after blow.

There was no one who could stop this catastrophe, or to quench the fire.
No one even had the ability to do so. There arose a great and mighty cloud of smoke up to the sky, just like the eruption of a mighty volcano.

As I continued to look at this inferno, I saw on the floor, the map stretched
from Egypt, Israel, Syria up till Pakistan, and in the middle was Saudi
Arabia. This was in my estimation, the location of the great armory that was
blown up. There was much sand and waste land all around. The smoke and the desert sand from this inferno spread itself like wildfire over the whole world and brought about darkness even at bright midday.

The whole world panicked. Even I woke up with a start, and asked myself what had happened.

The Lord said to me. “Tell my children, they should not fear, because I the
Lord am with them. I am still in control”. I am to tell them this “do not
break out in panic, when this happens – soon. It must happen in order that my coming be prepared for”. In the same vein, the Lord showed me how all the great and mighty fled, each seeking a cave, or bunker in order to hide
himself. The world economy, every economic alliance collapsed like a pack of
cards. No one wanted to know anything about them anymore. Everyone ran for his dear life. Everything burnt. There was panic and confusion everywhere.

As I continued to pray, the Lord said to me “but you my children, you belong
to my family, all you who belong to my house, I will not allow you to find
your graves with the godless. I will come and catch away my own, and save
them. You will see these dark clouds; you will experience the dull days,
without the sun, but they cannot harm you.

I, the Lord, am your shield, your protection. Just like I once protected my
people Israel from the angel of death in Egypt, so will I protect all them
which have my blood (The blood of Jesus) over themselves, or which will be
seen under the blood of Jesus. You are my firstborn, whom I will protect and
keep myself.

Hold out, through whatever experiences you are going, as it will lead you to a
deeper relationship with me. It only strengthens your faith. It brings you closer to me, and makes you ready for the days of the shaking, and the day of visitation. My children, the judgment must take place first, as the sins and godlessness of man have cried out to me in heaven. Never has man been so godless and unrighteous. Their cups of transgression have become full and run over.

And thus says the Lord, “my people, the time has come for you to arise and
raise your voices to warn the people against my great and terrible day of
judgement, which is coming on people of the world. The riches of this world
will be destroyed, but my kingdom comes, says the Lord. You my child, believe and trust me, be faithful to me, serve me, so will you and your house be saved. And fear not, you are inscribed upon the palm of my hands. I am still with you in your boat, and I will bring you, and all the people with you, to
safety on the other side (shore) says the Lord.

Please, if possible, send this vision to all your friends. Translate if
necessary, and let your friends know, “it will take place soon”.


Pastor Joh W. Matutis
www.nnk-berlin.de (see the english menu)

I know that this vision is from God. God speaks to me. I’ll give you an
example. Before the eruption of the Yugoslavian conflict, God gave me an
assignment one morning to take the next plane to Yugoslavia(Vinkowski) to
deliver a God-given message to the church. At first, I did not know exactly
what I was supposed to tell them, but as I got there, God showed me that they
were to buy up a nearby barn. During the service, I took a collection for the
purchase which money the brethren used to purchase the barn.
Shortly after that, the Yugoslavian war began. An American bomb struck the
church, as well as the barn, and destroyed it. After the war, the American
government, as compensation for this destruction built, at its expense, a
beautiful church on the land that had been the barn. This is just one out of
many examples.

So I am obeying the Lord and sending this vision to as many as possible. I
could also refer you to scriptures bordering on these revelations.

But you can all read that in your bibles yourselves, in Revelations
11:15 -19:4 for example.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:17 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Posts: 884
Re: Vision of Fire

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
A close friend sent this to me in an email. I know some will doubt it and that is ok, but for those that are interested I thought I would share it will you.

In a message dated 7/13/2008 5:17:19 P.M. Central Daylight Time, pastor@matutis.de writes:

God gave me a vision this morning (11.07.2008).
I saw how, through a very small spark, a whole ammunition depot was blown up.

And the Lord said to me, “Write it down quickly, and let all your friends
know, so they will be warned, and not panic."
And this is what I saw: It was a black middle-sized bomb, which was fired into the desert like a missile. It looked like it was a maneuver, or a military

It was fired cluelessly; it did not meet its target, and looked like a false
start. It appeared as if the bomb exploded in the middle of the desert.
It had apparently missed its target, and dropped off in the desert.
Alas, no one had an idea that right at that point in the desert, below the
sand, a mighty armory was located, which had been secretly placed long before this time.

This small bomb, which had missed its target, now triggered an inferno.
The explosion from the stored bomb under the sand was no longer to be stopped.

Every minute brought about another greater and more severe explosion.
It refused to stop. The smoke that resulted from these explosions caused
darkness in the whole world.

The whole world was here, like a village.
All the people I saw were seriously affected, shocked and horrified.
They called out and screamed, “How could people be so crazy as to explode
bombs here, even though they are for test purposes”. It went blow after blow.

There was no one who could stop this catastrophe, or to quench the fire.
No one even had the ability to do so. There arose a great and mighty cloud of smoke up to the sky, just like the eruption of a mighty volcano.

As I continued to look at this inferno, I saw on the floor, the map stretched
from Egypt, Israel, Syria up till Pakistan, and in the middle was Saudi
Arabia. This was in my estimation, the location of the great armory that was
blown up. There was much sand and waste land all around. The smoke and the desert sand from this inferno spread itself like wildfire over the whole world and brought about darkness even at bright midday.

The whole world panicked. Even I woke up with a start, and asked myself what had happened.

The Lord said to me. “Tell my children, they should not fear, because I the
Lord am with them. I am still in control”. I am to tell them this “do not
break out in panic, when this happens – soon. It must happen in order that my coming be prepared for”. In the same vein, the Lord showed me how all the great and mighty fled, each seeking a cave, or bunker in order to hide
himself. The world economy, every economic alliance collapsed like a pack of
cards. No one wanted to know anything about them anymore. Everyone ran for his dear life. Everything burnt. There was panic and confusion everywhere.

As I continued to pray, the Lord said to me “but you my children, you belong
to my family, all you who belong to my house, I will not allow you to find
your graves with the godless. I will come and catch away my own, and save
them. You will see these dark clouds; you will experience the dull days,
without the sun, but they cannot harm you.

I, the Lord, am your shield, your protection. Just like I once protected my
people Israel from the angel of death in Egypt, so will I protect all them
which have my blood (The blood of Jesus) over themselves, or which will be
seen under the blood of Jesus. You are my firstborn, whom I will protect and
keep myself.

Hold out, through whatever experiences you are going, as it will lead you to a
deeper relationship with me. It only strengthens your faith. It brings you closer to me, and makes you ready for the days of the shaking, and the day of visitation. My children, the judgment must take place first, as the sins and godlessness of man have cried out to me in heaven. Never has man been so godless and unrighteous. Their cups of transgression have become full and run over.

And thus says the Lord, “my people, the time has come for you to arise and
raise your voices to warn the people against my great and terrible day of
judgement, which is coming on people of the world. The riches of this world
will be destroyed, but my kingdom comes, says the Lord. You my child, believe and trust me, be faithful to me, serve me, so will you and your house be saved. And fear not, you are inscribed upon the palm of my hands. I am still with you in your boat, and I will bring you, and all the people with you, to
safety on the other side (shore) says the Lord.

Please, if possible, send this vision to all your friends. Translate if
necessary, and let your friends know, “it will take place soon”.


Pastor Joh W. Matutis
www.nnk-berlin.de (see the english menu)

I know that this vision is from God. God speaks to me. I’ll give you an
example. Before the eruption of the Yugoslavian conflict, God gave me an
assignment one morning to take the next plane to Yugoslavia(Vinkowski) to
deliver a God-given message to the church. At first, I did not know exactly
what I was supposed to tell them, but as I got there, God showed me that they
were to buy up a nearby barn. During the service, I took a collection for the
purchase which money the brethren used to purchase the barn.
Shortly after that, the Yugoslavian war began. An American bomb struck the
church, as well as the barn, and destroyed it. After the war, the American
government, as compensation for this destruction built, at its expense, a
beautiful church on the land that had been the barn. This is just one out of
many examples.

So I am obeying the Lord and sending this vision to as many as possible. I
could also refer you to scriptures bordering on these revelations.

But you can all read that in your bibles yourselves, in Revelations
11:15 -19:4 for example.
This date has not happened!!
Pray for America!
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:18 PM
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Esther Esther is offline

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Re: Vision of Fire

Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
This date has happened!!
No that is the date he had the vision. It through me off at first because 11/7/08 is not yet here. But the date is 7/11/08. When he had the vision. I don't see a date given as when it will happen.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:20 PM
JaneEyre JaneEyre is offline
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Re: Vision of Fire

Originally Posted by Esther View Post
No that is the date he had the vision. It through me off at first because 11/7/08 is not yet here. But the date is 7/11/08. When he had the vision. I don't see a date given as when it will happen.
I meant this date has NOT happened...I thought it had 11-7-08 and was saying that this date had not happened.
Pray for America!
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Old 08-08-2008, 03:27 PM
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Re: Vision of Fire

Originally Posted by JaneEyre View Post
I meant this date has NOT happened...I thought it had 11-7-08 and was saying that this date had not happened.
NO military and some business write dates like that. It through be at first, but if you see the date of the email is was July 13th 2008.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
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Old 08-08-2008, 04:10 PM
Tyk Tyk is offline
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Re: Vision of Fire

Other countries use that format sometimes as well.
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Old 08-08-2008, 09:53 PM
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Esther Esther is offline

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Re: Vision of Fire

Originally Posted by Tyk View Post
Other countries use that format sometimes as well.
Happy moments, PRAISE GOD.
Difficult moments, SEEK GOD.
Quiet moments, WORSHIP GOD.
Painful moments, TRUST GOD.
Every moment, THANK GOD.
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