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Old 03-26-2007, 12:28 AM
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Papabear Papabear is offline
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Arrow Get the Source Right

This morning while praying, these thoughts came to me.

As I prayed I prayed, “Lord touch not only my words, but lord Touch my mouth. Lord touch not only my thoughts, but my mind. Touch not only my works, but touch my hands.”

If you bless the source, that which flows from the source will be blessed as well.

So often we get focused on the product, when what is very important is what produces the product.

We can analyze our words and run them through a filter of right and proper along with good grammar. However, the thing that is most needful is to cleanse and filter the origination of these things.

The Bible says that from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. You know when you have touched a person’s heart because it is much like a button that has been touched, because the words will begin to flow. The animation, the spirit and the joy or lack thereof will be engaged and the abundance of the heart is spilled out like diamonds on a piece of black velvet or like trash into a can.

What is important is not to be sure everything is just so, but that the origination of everything is right.

Our Words must be right.
Our Mouth must be right.
Our Heart must be right.
Our Spirit must be right.

It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking if we say the right things, that everything is fine. But the truth of the matter that our words can be disingenuous. Ever heard a politician speak? Everything is just so to please those hearing him. You never know where he really stands, because he has so conditioned his speech that it seems even in his heart he don’t know what he thinks.

Sadly many in professional ministry can feel the pull of this same sort of thing. To say what is expected for the approval of all. Church people will put on Religion like a new suit and then take it off when the day is done. But these things ought not so to be.

If we get our heart right and we are pleasing God, he will give us wisdom to say the right thing. I am not advocating that all we got to do is get our heart right and all is well. No, No, No.

But we must get it all right. Jesus said, “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Our Lord wants us to conduct ourselves in wisdom and not go off half cocked and think just because we think our heart is right we can say whatsoever we will. No, No a thousand times No!

But we must understand that we are spiritual beings and what lies at the fountain spring of our heart will infect or bless the flow of those things that come from us.

I have known some who said everything I agreed with, but there was something not right. You can’t put your finger on it perse', but something is not adding up. There is a reason for that… because we are more than a sum of our parts. We are defined by more than the party line and our one sentence vision statements and nifty little purpose declarations. Often this stuff is just cheap wrapping paper that is as worthless as used wrapping paper in the trash. It is pure and simple appearance with no substance.

We must dig down and excavate the depths of our hearts. We must plumb the depths of our motivations. We must not leave a rock unmoved of a stone unturned. Because little things can grow in the darkness and dankness of the bustling life. An event can happen, a button as it were can be pushed and we will wonder, “Where did that come from…???”

So what is the end of the matter?

Lord Jesus create in me a clean heart.

Renew in me a right spirit.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be right in your sight.

Let me not cover up what needs to be thrown away.

Let me not excuse what needs to be repented of.

Let me not allow bitterness to grow where mercy is needed.

Lord touch my heart that it may be clean.

Lord renew my spirit that it may be right.

Lord quicken my mouth that it may speak right.

Lord anoint my words that they may bring healing.

Spirit, Soul and Body and that which flows from us to be prepared ….

In Him, By Him, Through Him,

Scott Phillips
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Old 03-26-2007, 12:36 AM

Posts: n/a
I've read it, but wow; wall-of-text @_@.

Very nice, though ^-^.
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Old 03-26-2007, 05:06 AM
Rhoni Rhoni is offline
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Originally Posted by Papabear View Post
This morning while praying, these thoughts came to me.

As I prayed I prayed, “Lord touch not only my words, but lord Touch my mouth. Lord touch not only my thoughts, but my mind. Touch not only my works, but touch my hands.”

If you bless the source, that which flows from the source will be blessed as well.

So often we get focused on the product, when what is very important is what produces the product.

We can analyze our words and run them through a filter of right and proper along with good grammar. However, the thing that is most needful is to cleanse and filter the origination of these things.

The Bible says that from the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh. You know when you have touched a person’s heart because it is much like a button that has been touched, because the words will begin to flow. The animation, the spirit and the joy or lack thereof will be engaged and the abundance of the heart is spilled out like diamonds on a piece of black velvet or like trash into a can.

What is important is not to be sure everything is just so, but that the origination of everything is right.

Our Words must be right.
Our Mouth must be right.
Our Heart must be right.
Our Spirit must be right.

It is so easy to fall into the trap of thinking if we say the right things, that everything is fine. But the truth of the matter that our words can be disingenuous. Ever heard a politician speak? Everything is just so to please those hearing him. You never know where he really stands, because he has so conditioned his speech that it seems even in his heart he don’t know what he thinks.

Sadly many in professional ministry can feel the pull of this same sort of thing. To say what is expected for the approval of all. Church people will put on Religion like a new suit and then take it off when the day is done. But these things ought not so to be.

If we get our heart right and we are pleasing God, he will give us wisdom to say the right thing. I am not advocating that all we got to do is get our heart right and all is well. No, No, No.

But we must get it all right. Jesus said, “Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.” Our Lord wants us to conduct ourselves in wisdom and not go off half cocked and think just because we think our heart is right we can say whatsoever we will. No, No a thousand times No!

But we must understand that we are spiritual beings and what lies at the fountain spring of our heart will infect or bless the flow of those things that come from us.

I have known some who said everything I agreed with, but there was something not right. You can’t put your finger on it perse', but something is not adding up. There is a reason for that… because we are more than a sum of our parts. We are defined by more than the party line and our one sentence vision statements and nifty little purpose declarations. Often this stuff is just cheap wrapping paper that is as worthless as used wrapping paper in the trash. It is pure and simple appearance with no substance.

We must dig down and excavate the depths of our hearts. We must plumb the depths of our motivations. We must not leave a rock unmoved of a stone unturned. Because little things can grow in the darkness and dankness of the bustling life. An event can happen, a button as it were can be pushed and we will wonder, “Where did that come from…???”

So what is the end of the matter?

Lord Jesus create in me a clean heart.

Renew in me a right spirit.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be right in your sight.

Let me not cover up what needs to be thrown away.

Let me not excuse what needs to be repented of.

Let me not allow bitterness to grow where mercy is needed.

Lord touch my heart that it may be clean.

Lord renew my spirit that it may be right.

Lord quicken my mouth that it may speak right.

Lord anoint my words that they may bring healing.

Spirit, Soul and Body and that which flows from us to be prepared ….

In Him, By Him, Through Him,

Scott Phillips
Greetings Momma and Papa Bear! It was great to see and meet you in person in Jackson. You are both precious saints of God.

The thought presented here is excellent and noteworthy. I might add though, many times those of us in ministry put on our happy face, say, and do the right things when we are not feeling like it because if we ride out the storm...we know that things will again be rightside up and we don't want to discourage those who may be following.

Just an additional thought.

Blessings, Rhoni
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