Gang, this should be a lot of fun. I was thinking yesterday about labels, and how hard we try to pin either a liberal, moderate, conservative, etc., label on each other, depending on our beliefs. I thought it might be fun, since I don't feel as if I fit under any of these categories, to start a poll where y'all can decide what category I would fall into. Here's is a list of some of my beliefs:
Salvation:I believe a person must be convicted of their sin, repent, be water baptized in Jesus name, and filled with the Holy Ghost (evidenced by speaking in tongues) to be a member of God's Church an on their way to Heaven.
Holiness:I believe God's children partake of Christ's holiness through their faith. Good works accompany true faith. By good works I mean loving your neighbor, feeding the poor, taking care of widows, visiting those in prison. This isn't a complete list, but it's to give you an idea of what I consider to be good works.
Standards:I believe the Bible teaches modesty in dress and behavior. I believe personal conviction needs to be what defines modesty and good behavior, unless specifically defined in scripture.
TV, Internet, Radio:I believe in using wisdom when choosing programs watched on TV, sites visited on the internet, and music listened to on the radio. I also believe in using these forms of media in spreading the Gospel to the masses.
End Time Propehcy:I believe all prophecy regarding end time events will be fulfilled, before the second coming of Christ.
Pagan Holidays:I do not celebrate Christmas or Easter. I do, however, observe some secular holidays, such as New Year, July 4th., and Thanksgiving.
Communion:I believe in observing foot washing and communion. I have no real preference between wine and grape juice. However, I will say I believe the first communion was celebrated using wine.
Did I leave any of the things we argue over out?
So, it's up to you guys to vote. Where does Rico fit in the ultra lib, lib, mod, con, ultra-con spectrum? This poll will be private, so don't worry about hurting my feelings. I won't know who votes what and your votes aren't likely to change my beliefs anyway. Have fun.