Just to be fair (I received this anonymously)
I received the following email anonymously from "OnenessTheologian".
I suspect the individual didn't post for fear of his IP being able to be traced. However, if I traced the email correctly, he is probably within 20 min from where I live.
Just to be fair, I thought I would post his concerns unedited. If any of you would like to email "OnenessTheologian" in agreement with his comments, I would be happy to supply the email addy via PM or you can just post them here. I told him that I would place his comments here for him and since he lurks, he should be able to read them.
As a guest, I rarely visit apostolic friends forum, as most threads aren't thought provoking, but mere child's play.
However, I became astonished at Lib.vs Con. thread, which you've and other liberal ministering brethren participated in.
You've also claimed resigning the UPCI and becoming a liberal independent pastor?
May I ask why?
By viewing your Hawaii vacation pictures of both your spouse and yourself, also after analyzing both of your appearances (e.g. dress, wife's hair, jewelery....etc......) I believe you've both resigned more than a ministerial organizational license. You've abandoned certain doctrinal commandments!
Your false concern of church politics was but a mere excuse to compromise.
You created a thread with the heading "how cold are you"? I ask how hot you are?
"Those who go after the "Sauls" among us often slay the Davids among us." Gene Edwards
Executive Servant http://www.newlife-church.org