My godbrother will be there tomorrow night...his daughter is in the chorale. From there they are headed to CA for some music deal, in Stockton, I think...
I'm not gonna be at it, but last night we had a Godplace forum get together of people from IN, FL, MS, NY, NC, IL, OR, and TX that were either here for MusicFest, or here to visit those here for was cool. lol
If you sometimes get the sudden urge to run around naked, drink some Windex.
It will keep you from streaking.
The power of God was in there so strong tonight. Of course, throughout most of the concert, it was more like a show, but when the choir got up, God really started moving. They sang a song from their new CD about the name of Jesus, and Calvary Tab really just exploded in worship. I got such a great blessing tonight.
I will bless the Lord at all times, and His praise shall continually be in my mouth.