Originally Posted by AmazingGrace
God bless you and your services also this wonderful Sunday morning! I am so excited to go to church havent got to go in 1 1/2 weeks as my grandmother had a stroke and we have been taking care of her. Then last night... as soon as I started getting ready to send kids off to showers and getting clothes ready for church... the phone rings. Its my dad again and the ambulance is on their way for granny again!! Another possible stroke! I sat down and just said God... ya know... I am tired and I NEED church tomorrow please touch her body because I cant do this today! Pretty selfish I know... but we got there and all it was was an intensified heart murmur and severe dehydration because all the meds they have her on are knocking her out and she aint eating hardly or sleeping! Yep I am on my way to church and I know you didnt ask for a book from AG... But God is good and I am going to get my blessing today!
AG, take it from someone who knows. You will, during the service, be overcome with worry, if ya allow it to. Just lift your hands, and worship Him, and watch Him make it all work out. I know He will, because He has done it and continues to do it for me!