Miracles in progress...
Have you ever witnessed someone receive a miracle, but through the process of time, circumstance and the issues of life cause them to seemingly forget what God has done?!
I have seen it time and time again...folks will be nigh onto shaking hands with St. Peter and promising God they will serve Him till the end of time. Their promise was sincere. The prayer was heartfelt, but when they walked away from the bed of affliction, they walked away from their promise.
And what about those whom God has delivered from every vile addiction and vice the devil could dreg up, only to see them once again become entangled with sin?!
The healing and deliverance were genuine. The power of God did it's work and it was complete...a miracle from on high, yet they turned from the Miracle Worker.
Was it that they forgot their miracle?!
I don't think so...
I think they remember...how do you so easily forget a near death experience or a life in ruin?! No, I think they remember.
What I think happens is that they fail to realize that we are miracles in progress.
We are saved and sanctified, Rapture ready when we are Born Again. But just living on that testimony and never maturing is not progress...it is stagnation.
Anything that is stagnant has a foul smell to it. It breeds disease and sickness, and eventually death. The sickness of the body is sad, but the sickness of the soul is a death with proportions we cannot completely fathom.
God's Word teaches us that we are to grow and mature in Him. We grow from glory to glory, taking the miracle at work in our hearts and lives and progress...not digress.
Every day with Jesus is progression. We can't afford to lay around and waste the precious miracle that was so freely given...and for what?!
I am determined to not take for granted the miracle that was so graciously given...with all that is within me, I am determined!!