Originally Posted by Harmony
I have just read through Coop's thread that ask's if you are co-dependant on a Pastor. It seems like a fair question for a forum such as this.
It it getting a little old to see the posters who follow him around and cry "!!Bitterness!!" any time he starts a thread.
You make it out to be a personal thread regarding Coops past and his situation. Can you NOT forgive Coop and get on with life and trust that he has good intentions?
It is a FACT that there are some who are co-dependant. Why not let the topics he brings up carry a life of there own. If nobody wants to post in his thread it will die....ta da!! Then you don't have to chime in with your own sarcasm and bitterness and make yourself appear to have the same problem you are accusing him of having.
You have a point-to a point.
It would be nice for a change to see a thread by Coop titled
"Good things my Pastor taught me."
"The good that the UPCI has."
"The things that I can improve vs the things that are wrong with the UPCI."
I hope that hasn't offended ya-but that is how a lot of us see it.
I think someone pointed out, a lot of us have been hurt and offended, we just choose to forgive and move on.
We also pray for Coop to find the Grace to do the same, both for his sake and for those who may here him.