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Old 03-11-2007, 10:12 AM
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I have just read through Coop's thread that ask's if you are co-dependant on a Pastor. It seems like a fair question for a forum such as this.

It it getting a little old to see the posters who follow him around and cry "!!Bitterness!!" any time he starts a thread.

You make it out to be a personal thread regarding Coops past and his situation. Can you NOT forgive Coop and get on with life and trust that he has good intentions?

It is a FACT that there are some who are co-dependant. Why not let the topics he brings up carry a life of there own. If nobody wants to post in his thread it will die....ta da!! Then you don't have to chime in with your own sarcasm and bitterness and make yourself appear to have the same problem you are accusing him of having.

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Old 03-11-2007, 10:18 AM
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Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
I have just read through Coop's thread that ask's if you are co-dependant on a Pastor. It seems like a fair question for a forum such as this.

It it getting a little old to see the posters who follow him around and cry "!!Bitterness!!" any time he starts a thread.

You make it out to be a personal thread regarding Coops past and his situation. Can you NOT forgive Coop and get on with life and trust that he has good intentions?

It is a FACT that there are some who are co-dependant. Why not let the topics he brings up carry a life of there own. If nobody wants to post in his thread it will die....ta da!! Then you don't have to chime in with your own sarcasm and bitterness and make yourself appear to have the same problem you are accusing him of having.


You have a point-to a point.

It would be nice for a change to see a thread by Coop titled
"Good things my Pastor taught me."
"The good that the UPCI has."
"The things that I can improve vs the things that are wrong with the UPCI."

I hope that hasn't offended ya-but that is how a lot of us see it.

I think someone pointed out, a lot of us have been hurt and offended, we just choose to forgive and move on.

We also pray for Coop to find the Grace to do the same, both for his sake and for those who may here him.

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Old 03-11-2007, 10:23 AM
LaVonne LaVonne is offline
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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
You have a point-to a point.

It would be nice for a change to see a thread by Coop titled
"Good things my Pastor taught me."
"The good that the UPCI has."
"The things that I can improve vs the things that are wrong with the UPCI."

I hope that hasn't offended ya-but that is how a lot of us see it.

I think someone pointed out, a lot of us have been hurt and offended, we just choose to forgive and move on.

We also pray for Coop to find the Grace to do the same, both for his sake and for those who may here him.
This is a good point Ron! Not too long ago Coop and I got into it a bit, but when we got done, I felt so much compassion for him...I realized that I needed to pray for him that God would send someone along the way to help him, like God did for us....and I told him (coop) so!
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:32 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Are things perfect in the UPCI?! No, but there are problems/issues everywhere you go.

Are there pastors who are less than compassionate and diligent in their ministry and care?! Sure, but not every man of God is a control freak.

Have there been people injured by the above?! Absolutely, and I know because I am one.

The solution, as it has been stated by those more eloquent than me, is simply to forgive and move on.

I will repeat what I stated this morning...bitterness is a heart killer.

Should situations/issues be discussed?! Absolutely, but to continue to point out the negative without offering a constructive resolution will only serve to further destroy.

Just my thoughts...
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:35 AM
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My point is.....how do you know he hasn't forgiven and moved on.

If it was someone else who brought up the same topic it would be looked at differently.

Although I am sure they too would be labled as a pastor hater full of bitterness by some.

It gets old.

Why can't topics on the positive and the negative of the ministry be brought up?

I thought his topic was really geared toward the saint on the thread he recently started...jmho
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:37 AM
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Originally Posted by Harmony View Post

My point is.....how do you know he hasn't forgiven and moved on.

If it was someone else who brought up the same topic it would be looked at differently.

Although I am sure they too would be labled as a pastor hater full of bitterness by some.

It gets old.

Why can't topics on the positive and the negative of the ministry be brought up?

I thought his topic was really geared toward the saint on the thread he recently started...jmho
Harmony, the point is the reason it isn't looked at as different is brcause it seems the majority (not all) of his threads are posted negative towards the UPCI & Ministry.
If he has moved on, lets discuss other things.

JMHO Also.
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Old 03-11-2007, 10:44 AM
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Originally Posted by Ron View Post
Harmony, the point is the reason it isn't looked at as different is brcause it seems the majority (not all) of his threads are posted negative towards the UPCI & Ministry.
If he has moved on, lets discuss other things.

JMHO Also.
You have the option of not participating on the thread.
Why must you follow Coop around and cry....another bitterness thread, evertime he brings a topic up? If you don't like it.....avoid it. It will either take on people who want to discuss it or it will die. I think you (not you personally) choke the intended conversation by changing the topic to ....coop is still bitter...yada yada....

Just forgive coop for his crazy threads and move on.....LOL!!!
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:05 AM
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Originally Posted by Harmony View Post
I have just read through Coop's thread that ask's if you are co-dependant on a Pastor. It seems like a fair question for a forum such as this.

It it getting a little old to see the posters who follow him around and cry "!!Bitterness!!" any time he starts a thread.

You make it out to be a personal thread regarding Coops past and his situation. Can you NOT forgive Coop and get on with life and trust that he has good intentions?

It is a FACT that there are some who are co-dependant. Why not let the topics he brings up carry a life of there own. If nobody wants to post in his thread it will die....ta da!! Then you don't have to chime in with your own sarcasm and bitterness and make yourself appear to have the same problem you are accusing him of having.

You have an interesting way of doing it.

Coop needs to listen to some of these men of God who do truly care for him and have taken the time to give good advice and instruction.

Thank God for pastors! I thank God for each one I've come in contact with! I don't know where I'd be today if it wasn't for them and I don't think co-dependency has to be a bad thing. I'm certainly co-dependent on mine and have been dependent on them as long as I've lived for having truth preached to me, for good advice and counsel and prayer and financial support (re ministry and missionary work) etc.

Coop gets exactly what he's looking for with the discussion topics he raises over and over and over and over again. You can't keep bringing this stuff up without people responding. OR perhaps being "ignored" is what he's really looking for? I don't think so.
Smiles & Blessings....
~Felicity Welsh~

(surname courtesy of Jim Yohe)
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:10 AM
Barb Barb is offline
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Originally Posted by Felicity View Post
You have an interesting way of doing it.

Coop needs to listen to some of these men of God who do truly care for him and have taken the time to give good advice and instruction.

Thank God for pastors! I thank God for each one I've come in contact with! I don't know where I'd be today if it wasn't for them and I don't think co-dependency has to be a bad thing. I'm certainly co-dependent on mine and have been dependent on them as long as I've lived for having truth preached to me, for good advice and counsel and prayer and financial support (re ministry and missionary work) etc.

Coop gets exactly what he's looking for with the discussion topics he raises over and over and over and over again. You can't keep bringing this stuff up without people responding. OR perhaps being "ignored" is what he's really looking for? I don't think so.
See, I said others were saying it more eloquently than me...good post, Felicity!!
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Old 03-11-2007, 11:26 AM
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Thank you Felicity...good woods to Coop and good words to all of us...Such an insight!....blessings to you and to your burden for China...
I remember my husband baptizing people in the far inlands of the Palwan Island in the Philippines and we could see the China sea...I sat on the ground and wept for the people so dear to you...

Praying for you, my friend...
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