Originally Posted by ALVIN
The AFF News Service publishes breaking news before it even happens.
Today's headline: "One of 10 AD Ministers Under 35 Goes West"
Unconfirmed: Have any of AFF's roving reporters heard any rumour of the start of a non-traditional oneness church in a city between Blackville and Bathurst?
This brings to mind a topic that I have been thinking about for some time, not the need for a non-traditional Oneness church in every city from Bonavista to Vancouver Island, but the exodus of men from ministry.
Are there temporary ministry assignments today?
In the Old Testament, God would call a prophet from gathering figs or tending flocks, commission him to deliver a message to the nation, and then allow him to fade back into the farmlands. His ministry was only for a moment.
There are missionaries who have a lifetime calling while others are only sent on temporary assignments. Is the same not true with pastoral ministry? Are men who minister for a time and then leave ministry for secular employment guilty of putting their hand to the plough and looking back, or are they just men who were given a temporary ministry assignment?
I have not heard the rumour of a new church in New Brunswick's newest city, but I think it's a great idea. Bushville needs the Gospel as much as any other place in this Pentecostal province. (I would have suggested Tain'tville, but it's not central enough to service the city)