I know bro. I love a good laugh. Have you seen the unemployment rates and how many gave up looking for a job in our country? I started as a Journeyman tradesman in 1985, making 19 bucks an hour in my union. These same guys these days are making about 3 bucks more than then. Gas prices have tripled, housing has tripled, insurance is mandatory(health and auto), rents have tripled, food has tripled, electricity has tripled. EVERYTHING HAS TRIPLED BRO. Folks just dont have the money we think they have....Just wait 'til your kids turn of age to leave home bro. It may be when they are 30, unless they join the military
Sean I make a gross of 1400 a month and it has been this was for several years. I have 2 kids and pay rent, but I have paid tithes (for the most part) for the last ten years anyways. once again I don't place a command on it to my church, but I already know that many that say they can't afford to really can. I don't want their money I just want to see them grow in their walk with God.
I am telling this to you now because of the topic of this thread, but I don't say things like this to my church. I consider it meddling. I am not telling people in my church that they must tithe, but I am not going to pat someone on the back and tell them they are doing all they can. When in fact their contributions don't show it in anyway. We are not blind you can most of the time see if someone is trying or not.
If you keep on Brother there won't be anything in the Bible that is authoritative. Because the Corinthian letter wasn't specifically addressed to the 21st century church your argument is that it is no longer applicable. Every letter Paul wrote was for the particular church he was writing to. If someone wants to argue the scripture by who is it explicitly addressed to than we might as well not read it anymore because it isn't written to us anyways.
There are things that are time specific and there are things that are applicable till Christ returns. Taking a collection up for the saints in Jerusalem is over.
With all due respect and with much love, that is ignorant. For you to do that, you had to believe that this man with God in the flesh. Let me get this straight, if my pastor gets up and says "Fornication is not a sin" I am suppose to sit there and listen to that? And wait for God to correct him? Wow. Lord help us.
How about this one--sex is only for having children--I heard that.
I have a friend that is a minister of the Apostolic Church of Ethiopia(the fastest growing oneness movement in the world). He told me that they have never taught tithing as an organization. He said it is only happening in America, where all the money is.
This country has become a charlatans dream for many.
I agree with you in a lot of ways, but change should take place carefully and prayerfully. Tithing isn't the problem, but this nation has been a nation who serve mammon. We probably are known all over the world as the most material sell out your own mother nation in the world. It isn't just ministers with the problem it is this nation. The problem is bigger than we know.
There are things that are time specific and there are things that are applicable till Christ returns. Taking a collection up for the saints in Jerusalem is over.
Taking up weekly collections in the church is not.
There are things that are time specific and there are things that are applicable till Christ returns. Taking a collection up for the saints in Jerusalem is over.
What scriptures on church giving do you find in the NT is for today?
6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
6 The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully[a] will also reap bountifully. 7 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
You do understand this is again the Corinthian Church he is speaking to, probably reguarding the same offerings he had previously mentioned in 1Cor 16 which you said was not for today.
Paul here is telling the Corinthians that the weekly giving he had commanded in the previous letter should be given with a certain attitude. So the attitude in which he commanded to give is authoritative but the method and frequency has changed now. I am really confused by your logic.