Originally Posted by Brett Prince
I surely don't blame you for being excited. But, can you see why your church gets the flak it gets from the cons? You are going to do a concert with someone that you obviously have differences with in doctrine and standards. They consider him to be little less or little more than an entertainer. I can guarantee that cons question his lifestyle all the way around. We tend to get characterized by the circle we run in.
I'm not saying don't do it. As a matter of fact, while I don't know all the ins and outs, I'm pretty certain you SHOULD do it...I'm just saying that these kinds of things are part of what is driving problems between factions. They see this as almost traitorous to "real" Apostolics.
About 3 hours late responding to this...but it may have already been dealt with.
This is one of the most ridiculous statements I have heard. I guess using this logic, you really should not work for someone who holds a different doctrinal view than you. You really should not mix with other family members who hold different doctrinal views. For surely, in your day to day live, you around people who don't quite share all that you believe to be true.
This mentality puts a real arrogant approach as "You are not worthy to be ministered by what we have." I guess that "little light of mine...I'm gonna let it shine" refers to the church and those of like-precious faith.
The background to this story is that Thad and his choir tore it up at CLC at their music conference. The promoter of the concert happened to be present at that meeting and felt the presence of God so strong that she asked them...with 2 weeks notice...that they needed to open for Tye Tribbitt. Thad's choir MINISTERS....even in concerts. I have been to 2 concerts that his choir has ministered in...and the concert changed to church. May the group that comes to the concert that night...feel a difference they never have before.