Originally Posted by NobodyImportant
The early church didn't need tv to get the word out. We've been very successful without it.NI
Ah yes, the logic of the anti-tv'ers.
NI - when you say "We've been very successful without it," are you meaning your own church or as a whole? Because if you're meaning as a whole, you're incorrect. Probably 60% of UPC churches run less than 500; from that another 75% of those are less than 200.
In my home state, the largest UPC church runs close to 250 (I believe). Now, there's my former church which will tell you they run 200+ members - but they include "members" who haven't darkened the doors of the church for years or who come only for special events. The church I attend (UPC) was started last fall and is running between 100 and 110 on Sundays. Our highest attendence was 146.
The UPC has ~not~ (as a whole) been very successful in evangelism. One or two churches here or there perhaps, but not as a whole.